Chapter Twenty-Two: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

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"Are you alright Louis?" Eleanor asks, placing her delicate hand on my shoulder. How could I have been so stupid to not have realized we were leaving? 

"I'll be back." I mumble and run out of the main room and into the hallway. I find my way back to the room where the lads and I got ready. I drop down on the couch, burying my head into my hands.

I didn't think this through. I didn't realize that I would have to leave Eleanor while she was pregnant. The tour was the last thing on my mind while all this s*it was happening. I should have thought about this, I can't just leave her like that.

What about Niall and Agnes and June? They won't have anyone here for them. They need us. There's no way that Niall can leave them. There's no way that I can leave them. We'll be gone for ages!

Zayn and Hannah? Their relationship is stable and they love each other and they trust each other but this will be so hard on them. They're both terrified about losing each other and that's what makes them worry so much. They need each other.

Harry and Jami and Riley? What are they gonna do? Harry wants nothing to do with Jami. Harry doesn't want to be left alone again. Even if she doesn't want to admit it, I think Riley loves him. I know for a fact that Harry loves her. He's not going to be able to handle leaving without her.

Liam and Danielle and Justice and Ed and their baby? I can't even begin to explain the things that could go wrong with that! Liam said he would stay with Justice for the pregnancy. Danielle will be heart-broken that he's leaving. Ed will hate him being gone. Their baby could be born without the dad being there! I don't even know how long the tour is!

That's it. We can't deal with this. I have to find a way to cancel the tour.


*Niall's POV* 

"Eleanor made me realize something today..." Louis trails off, fiddling with his hands. He looked nervous. He also looked like he had been crying.

Louis had called us all into his hotel room to tell us something. I didn't want to leave Agnes and June but dad said he would look after them. Plus I left while they were both sleeping so they shouldn't wake up for a while.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows together. They weren't splitting up, were they?

"We're leaving to go on tour in two months." Louis announces, a frown spread across his face and tears pooling in his eyes. The water droplets begin slipping at the thought. And that's when it hit me.

I would have to leave Agnes and my baby. 

"No!" I shout. "We can't just leave! Our whole lives are in London!" My heart beat had easily increased rapidly. "I'm not going if it means I can't take Agnes and June!"

"I can't leave Hannah, I don't want her to forget me or feel like she was forgotten." Zayn says.

"I'm not going without Riley, enough said." Harry crosses his arms.

"How long is it?! I can't leave or Justice will kill the baby! Even if she doesn't, it could be born without me!" Liam frets.

"I was thinking about trying to cancel the tour." Louis tells us.

"Cancel it?" My eyes widen. "What about all the fans?"

"It's our choice. Do we want to let all our fans down, or do we want to leave everything we love behind?" Louis asks. "Either way, whether we decide to cancel it or not, it's really up to management to tell us what we need to do."

"Can't we take everyone along?" Zayn asks.

"No." Louis shakes his head. "We don't have enough room. We can't afford for one more bus, let alone one for each of us. Our choices are leave or stay, period."

"We can't just decide this in such little time." Harry digs his face into his hands.

"How did we not realize this?" Liam sighs.

"I called Paul today, he said that we really shouldn't cancel it. If we don't want to go, they can send just one of us and the rest can stay. It could be 0/5, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, or 5/5 but it's up to us." Louis explains.

"Ugh." I groan, putting my head in my palms. "We can't just decide something like this. It's too much pressure."

"No matter what we do, the fans and our families will understand." Zayn states the obvious.

"I'm sorry to put all this on you the night before you go on your honeymoon." Louis scratches the back of his neck.

"No, don't be, this was the perfect time." I reply. "If it was before the wedding I would have been freaking out and if it was after the honeymoon I would worry about not having enough time with her. Staying or going, I'm going to make the most of these two weeks with her. Thank you Louis."

I get up off the couch, tears flowing from my eyes. I pull on my jacket, grab my shoes, snatch my keys, and head out of his room. I find my way to the staircase and walk down to the lobby. Great. Fans and paps found us. I sigh, pulling my hood up over my head. I push through the doors and take in everything.

"Niall, what's wrong?!"

"Why are you crying?!"

"Did you and Agnes break up?!"

"How is June?!"

"Where's Agnes?!"

"Are the boys in the building as well?"

"Is it true you're cheating on Agnes?!" I freeze in my spot, anger filling in my sudden burst of depression. "Niall! Are you cheating on Agnes?!" I turn to the man with the camera, seeing red. I grab his shirt and smash him against the wall.

"Say it again! I dare you!" I spit.

"Are you chea-" I slam my fist into his jaw.

"Don't you dare f*cking say another word! What gives you a right to destroy my life?! This isn't a job, it's a p*ssy place where you ruin human beings! You have no idea that you've crushed the human being on the inside! I can't take you being such a b*tch anymore!" I shriek. I let him go and he stands there against the wall with wide eyes. "I'm so sick of this! I don't want to deal with this being my life! I could be sitting in Ireland eating my weight in pizza with everyone I love but instead I'm here regretting my dream! You've made my life a living h*ll! If you don't start realizing what you've done then I'm letting this all go!" Gasps are heard around in the cold night while rain begins to fall from the dark sky. "You heard me! One Direction! The boys! Agnes! June! All of it! I'm so done!"

Sobbing, I push my way through the crowd. I make a break down the wet and empty road. I don't know how much longer I could handle pretending everything was ok. I really was done.

I couldn't leave all of this behind and I couldn't let everyone down. This was easily the hardest decision I've ever made and I haven't even started thinking about it yet.

My options are too small. They want me to risk to much. But the thing is...I can't take these risks. Normally I'm all upbeat and willing to take on challenges. Now I'm weak, scared, and lifeless. 

I have to let it all go, before I'm dragged too far into the deep end.

Cliffhanger! ERMAGERD! How do you feel about all this? What do you think about Niall's out-break or whatever you wanna call it? I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited, you have no idea!

Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

-Melanie XOXO

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