Chapter Twenty-Six: What Is It Going To Take?

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*Liam's POV* 

Their song from weeks ago tugged at my heart strings, it really did, but there was nothing they could do to change the fact that One Direction was over. My dream had been washed down the drain and I couldn't even begin to explain how regretful I feel. In fact, regret is the only thing I can feel right now.

"Daddy, when will you be happy again?" Ed asks while tracing the arrow tattoos going down my arm.

"I don't know." I mumble. "Someday."

"What does this one say?" Ed asks, pointing to the one printed across my other arm. "I can't read cursive."

"Everything I wanted, but nothing I'll ever need..." I trail off. "I'll never need? I'll never need?! What kind of bloody idiot was I?! I do need all of this! It's part of my life!" Tears pour out over my eyes. "I need the fans, I need the music, I need the singing!" I suck in a breath between my teeth. "I need the boys."

"Why are you so afraid to go to them then? They are your family." Ed says. "Aren't they?" I'm silent, my sobs dying down in the room. "You're always saying how you've grown up with five idiots that have become your home. The boys are your idiots, they need you just as much as you need them."

And it was simple as that. Ed, a young boy I barely knew, just saved my life.

*Agnes' POV* 

"Louis called this morning." I tell Niall, sitting by his legs.

"Louis?" Niall gapes out.

"He said he wanted you to call back whenever you could." I reply.

"I-I can't." Niall slurs.

"You can. You are twenty years old, it's time to put on your big boy pants and talk to them. They miss you! Trust me! Do you want to spend the rest of your life cooped up in this room?! Do you want to miss out on June growing up?! Do you want to keep living with the guilt of Louis and Eleanor canceling their next ultra sound because they knew you wouldn't be there?!" I shout. "Look, Niall, you've been staying in the house 24-7 since what happened. You haven't been talking to anyone but me these past two months. What are you pulling?"

I was worried about the boys, to say the least. None of them have been taking care of themselves. The girls and I have been practically living for them. Social media is a no go because it's too heartbreaking.

Louis has slowly started coming out of his hole. He's about a million steps ahead of the others. He's only left the house twice because he's scared of what people will think but it's a working progress.

As for the other boys, they are as close to being back to normal as when it first happened. I think they might even be worse. We've called in therapists to talk to them at home but they just kept their mouths shut.

"How long are you going to be like this?" I ask. "I need someone to support me and if you can't do that then I don't know what more I can do. June misses you and can't live without her dad. I don't want us to turn into some awkward couple that isn't even really a couple. I don't want us to grow apart. So tell me what I should do. What is it going to take?"

"Agnes, what would you risk for me?" Niall asks.

"Everything." I shake my head.

"Why would you do that?" Niall asks.

"That's just it." I cry, getting up off the bed.

"What's just it?" Niall furrows his eyebrows together in confusion.

"This!" I wail, tears slipping my eyes. "You're driving me crazier every minute and I don't want to see you in so much pain anymore!"

"I can stop, I promise." Niall croaks as he sits up for the first time since they said goodbye.

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