Chapter Four: Robbed

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"LIAM!" We scream when he comes out the back sliding door. We all run over and tackle him to the ground. 

"You butt! You promised you would come hang out with us!" I shout over everyone else's screams for him.

"I'm sorry Ag. I totally forgot about the reservations we made for this restaurant tonight." Liam frowns. 

"Next time call us." I tell him. Liam nods.


"Louis, I think you're the best person on the planet with June." Niall states the obvious while he is playing with her on the couch.

"Not true. She likes you better." Louis motions to me before going back to my baby girl.

"She only likes me because I feed her." I roll my eyes.

"I bet she enjoys seeing parts of you more than I get to." Niall says. I slap his shoulder.

"You are so innapropriate." I hide my face in his shirt, knowing my cheeks were bright red. I could feel Niall's smirk as he puts an arm around me. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much more." Niall whispers in my ear.

"Not possible." I mumble.

"Possible." Niall kisses my head.

"Nope." I murmur.

"Yep." Niall pops the 'p'.

"If you're gonna start snogging then take it to your old room." Zayn replies, wrapping an arm around Hannah's waist.

"Shut up boy." Niall looks over at him with a glare. I laugh.

"How's the wedding planning going?" Hannah asks.

"We have a date for it." I answer.

"And?" Hannah raises an eyebrow.

"That's all we have." Niall hangs his head in shame.

"We don't have a venue, catering, my dress, his tux, flowers." I list off. "I could go on forever about the things we don't have for it. We have to get it all before the date though. Obviously." Eleanor laughs.

"Has anyone talked to Liam lately?" Louis asks.

"None of us have heard from him all week." Harry shrugs.

"Weird." I furrow my eyebrows together.

"I heard he went to Wolverhampton." Niall says.

"He would have told us if he did that." Eleanor tells him.

"Thanks Harry." Niall rolls his eyes.

"You're welcome!" Harry chirps.

"I think she is physically and mentally attatched to Louis." Zayn points. We all direct our gaze back over to Louis was using his free hand to try to pry her fingers off of his. I laugh.

"Help?" Louis whines. 

"I'd rather instagram." I reply and take a picture.

"Agnes." Louis pouts.

"You're always posting pictures of me from when I was little, this is payback." I respond, tapping away on my phone. The caption read 'Uncle Boo Bear got caught by June...' 

"What's everyone doing tomorrow?" Louis asks.

"Taking the child to a doctor appointment and going to the store." Niall answers.

"I have a few classes in the morning." Jami frowns. 

"Picking her up, going to Starbucks, dropping her off at home, then re-matching Caleb in football until I win." Harry laughs.



"Being with a dimwit." El smirks.

"Why?" I ask.

"We were gonna go out for dinner. Wanna come?" Louis asks. We all end up saying yes so...yeah.


"I can't believe she fell asleep on the five minute-" I flick on the lights. "Oh my God." I about s*** my pants when I saw the place as a complete mess. The TV was gone, our laptops, a vase, and so was the DVD player. My eyes snap up to Niall who looked just as freaked out as I did.

"Ok, bye-bye house." Niall closes the door. He wraps an arm tightly around me and we go back across the street. I could tell he was holding June closer than he normally would. I was downright petrified.

"What happened?" Louis frets as soon as he sees us.

"The house got robbed." Niall announces while putting June in my arms.

"You're joking." Zayn gapes out. I shake my head.

"Well, sit down before you pass out, would ya?" Jami asks, plopping me in a seat. I give her a half smile. I probably looked like I just watched a clown kick a bunny.

"Be careful." I look over my shoulder. The boys were putting their jackets on.

"Careful are our middle names!" Harry exclaims, being tossed a bat. Instead of catching it, it hits him in the balls. "Ow."

"Like I always say, we're too smart to be killed." Louis twirls his plastic red bat around in his hand until it smacks his face.

"We're saved." Eleanor mutters. We are all kissed before they walk out the door. I was holding June like my life depended on it. 

We don't say anything. We were just huddled on the couch, glancing around the room to make sure there was no one there to kill us. It isn't long until sirens come rolling down the street. I look throught the window, watching police cars pull into our driveway. There is no way in h*** I would be caught dead at that house tonight.


Niall and I have slept in our old room with June in-between us since there wasn't a crib. I haven't been in the house in three days and today I was going over to see what was left. The boys said they didn't really look much. They grabbed what we needed, called the police, and came back over once they were done talking to them.

When I walk in the front door the first thing I notice makes tears burn at my eyes. "Oh God." I cry. I sit on the couch and pick up the broken picture frame.

It was me, mum, dad, Andrew, Louis, and Caleb on his second birthday. I was around twelve, Louis was fourteen I think, and Andrew was seventeen. We were sitting outside in the grass and my uncle took a picture of us.

I bring my head back up. This was the place I have lived in for a few months. I hated seeing it like this. It gave me a sickening feeling.  There were so many happy memories in here and now I was scared of living in it. Not the best turn out of what was supposed to be a good week.

Sorry it's late! I can't remember why I didn't post last week but at least it's up now. I'm sick. I was sick all weekend. That sucked. Anyway! I've been thinking about making a twitter account for Agnes. It would have pictures and tweets by me but from her point of view. Vote or comment if you want it! I know this chapter is kind of short too. Sorry about that... Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

-OneDirectionluv3845 XOXO

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