Chapter Ten: Try Again?

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I refuse to get off of this camper. When I do, everything will go back to the way it was. Reality will come back and slap me in the face and I won't be able to do anything about it. 'Hey Louis! Childhood over, so what are you doing with your life?'

Eleanor and I will go back to being depressed, Liam will ignore Agnes and be mad about me punching him, Andrew will continue to be gone. Why should I get off this camper if my life is h*ll when I'm not on it? 

"Wakey, wakey." Agnes calls out. I lift my head off my pillow. "Eleanor is waiting, you know. She wants to talk to you."

"I'm not getting off." I roll on my side.

"Louis." Agnes sighs before sitting by my legs. "I know you're depressed. But you have to move forward. You can't let this destroy everything you have."

"What do I have?" I grumble. "I lost my kid."

"That doesn't mean you can't have more kids." Agnes says.

"You don't understand." I tell her. Tears tumble down my face, making this the first time I've cried in front of her. "That could have been my only chance. After the accident last year the doctor told me it would be nearly impossible for me to have kids."

"There's always a chance." Agnes replies, slipping her hand into mine. "Don't give up."

"I already gave up." I cry.

"Let me tell you something you already know then." Agnes sits up a little straighter. "The world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. It will beat you to your knees if you let it. Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it isn’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward." She squeezes my hand. "Remember that nobody will be disappointed in you, and if they are, it's their problem, not yours." She walks off the camper. I lay there for another minute or two until I stop crying then get off, walking into the house. Eleanor was sitting on the couch.

"We need to talk." Eleanor states the obvious. I nod in agreement then sit across from her. "I want to try Louis. I know that we're young, but I want to try this time. I don't want it to be an accident. I wanna have a baby."

"El..." I trail off, feeling tears heat up my face again. "I get it. But..."

"Please Louis." Eleanor begs, crawling across the couch to me. "I can't just let this go. I want to at least try."

"I'm sorry Eleanor." I shake my head.

"Fine." She gets off the couch. I watch as she pulls on her jacket.

"Where are you going?" I panic and jump to my feet. 

"Tell me why Louis!" She whips around to look at me. "Why don't you want to try?!"

"I do, it's just-"

"It's just what Louis?! That you don't care?! I know you do! You loved that baby! And if you love it that much then you can't just walk away!" Eleanor shouts.

"God, why is this so difficult?!" I yell and slide down against the wall. "Eleanor, I gotta tell you something."

"You can tell me anything." El replies and crouches down next to me, stroking my cheek.

"Remember the accident last year?" I ask. She nods. "When that happened I was told that it would almost be impossible to have kids. That could have been my only chance. I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Eleanor asks.

"I knew you would be disappointed." I shrug.

"I'm not Lou." She lays her head on my shoulder. "I could never be disappointed in you. Underline the word almost though. Let's look up the definition, shall we?" She grabs the dictionary. "Adverb, adverb: almost, not quite; very nearly. 'he almost knocked Georgina over' synonyms...nobody needs synonyms. Old English: for the most part. We still have a chance. We can try."

"Ok." I croak.


*Liam's POV*

 In a weird way, it's a good thing that Agnes was in this accident. It's fixed a lot of things. Agnes and I's friendship, Louis told Eleanor and Agnes about what happened, and the boys are agonizingly slowly starting to forgive me for what I've done. I can't complain though. I'd rather it be slow than not at all.

I don't even know why I started dating Justice. I guess I was so obsessed with Agnes at that point that I wanted to move on. It isn't any use in trying though. Since New Years I've only started liking her more.

When I kiss Justice it isn't anything like when I kissed Agnes. I don't feel sparks. She's taken out at least a thousand dollars from me since we started dating and it isn't ok. I don't get why I let her control my life.

"Justice." I pull away from the snog we were just having. "Stop."

"Come on babe, you said we would have a good time tonight." Justice whines. She trails kisses down my neck. When I hear a few of my buttons come undone I flip us over so she's not straddling me anymore.

"I meant like a movie. I'd prefer f*cking shopping." I mutter under my breath.

"Cool! I saw the prettiest pair of heels before I came over! I'll go get your wallet!" Justice chirps before shimmying out from under me and skipping out of my room. I groan loudly before covering my face with my hands.

"Liam?" A voice calls out. Hannah was standing in the doorway. I sit up and she giggles before walking in. "You look like you're having the time of your life." I chuckle.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask.

"The fans figured it before we did, so yes." Hannah gives me a half smile.

"I don't know what to do about it, when I try to talk to her she just kisses me or begs to go shopping." I sigh.

"Don't let her take advantage of you. If you have something to tell her, then tell her. She can take it. It doesn't even matter what happens between the two of you. She says you two are in love but I know that you don't feel it. You need to tell her before it's too late." Hannah shakes her head. "I gotta go, but at least think about this, get your head out of your pants." As soon as she walks out Justice slips in. Before I even know what's happening she is straddling me on the bed once again. Oh God.

Yes then! I updated on the day I was supposed to! That's what I'm talking about! And I'm getting a lot more ideas! This is working out a heck of a lot better than it was last time. Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

P.S. RIP Robin Williams!!! <3 :(

-Melanie XOXO

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