Chapter Nine: More Hospitals and Wigs

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*Niall's POV*

The love of my life and mother of our baby ran off without saying anything. I can barely remember what I screamed at Liam. To be honest, I can't remember a lot of things that happened today.

The bits and pieces I do remember are rushing through my mind right now. Seeing the terrified look in Agnes' eye when she ran in, watching Louis punch Liam, and reading the text message from Louis that simply said,

It's gone.

Those two words were all I needed to know to realize that Louis and Eleanor had lost their baby. We're all gutted and have no idea what to say or how to react. It's depressing. I feel so bad for them. They would have been amazing parents.

The horrible sounds coming through Agnes' phone before the line was cut off.

It only makes me feel worse that this could have been Louis' only chance. After an accident last year the doctors told Louis it would be almost impossible for him to have kids. The lads and I are the only ones that know. He said he didn't want anyone to know. Even Agnes and Eleanor.

Hannah and Zayn are coming over in a minute to watch June. She's asleep but I can't leave her alone and I don't want to wake her up by taking her along. The door suddenly swings open and I jump to me feet.

"Thank you so much!" I squawk and grab the keys, sliding past them to get to my car. I jump inside and start driving. I begin my endless string of calls to her again. Probably fifteen minutes later I am getting a call. I don't bother to see who it is. "Hello?"

"Hi. Is this Niall Horan?" An unfamiliar voice asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"I hate to tell you this, but Agnes Tomlinson has just been in a car crash." She tells me. Thank God I was at a red light because I freeze entirely, my whole body shutting down.

"W-where?" I manage to force out.

"On the corner of Monroe street at the broken trafic light." She answers.

I drop the phone and pull out, driving through the other people, and swerving to avoid hitting someone. I press all the way down on the gas pedal. Finally I get there and throw myself out of the car. I walk over, push away the paps, duck under the police tape, ignore the people yelling at me, and walk over to the ambulances.

"Agnes." I call out.

I spot her a little farther up the road being lifted onto a stretcher. I run towards them. Random clumps of her hair were missing, her nose was bleeding, she had a large gash right by her ear, and cuts were all over her face. Tears slip my eyes. I quickly jump into the ambulance with the paramedics before they can object. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I do know that life for all of us was about to get a h*** of a lot more complicated.

I think we were all really surprised when Louis came into the waiting room. His eyes were red and puffy. He doesn't say anything. He just walks over, and sits down in one of the chairs, folding his arms over his chest. It wasn't hard to notice the fear in his eyes.

God knows how long we were waiting for. At least two hours. We didn't know what was gonna happen and we didn't even know if she was going to live. I'm scared s***less.

"Agnes Tomlinson?" A doctor announces. We all stand up. "She's stable. We had to do a surgery to repair some hearing loss but other than that everything looks fine. She should be ready to get out of here in a week. She's in room 238." I bite down on my lip, hold June closer, and we all head to the elevators.

"I feel like we're in the hospital too much." Harry huffs.

"Yeah." We all agree. We eventually get to her room. I let out the breath I've been holding for almost two and a half hours. Her head was wrapped up with a patch over her ear. A cannula was sticking in her nose to help her breath. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, making everything kinda blurry.

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