Chapter Eighteen: Reject

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*Harry's POV* 

"Haz, what's wrong?" Liam asks when I bust in the door, tears cascading down my face.

"J-Jami..." Is all I can force out through my dry, cracked lips.

"What happened?" Eleanor asks.

"C-can someone just play football with m-me?" I stutter.

"Come on mate." Louis tugs me out the back door.

*Agnes' POV* 

I've never seen Harry play so hard before. Even with all the times between him and Caleb. He was crying so hard and I could tell that he was using all his energy. Louis had one point while the curly headed boy had about thirty-seven.

I was worried about him. All he said was Jami and now he's acting so weird and everything. I don't understand. It's really confusing. I feel like all of our lives are crumbling down around us.

"Harry!" I call out, walking into the rain and interrupting their game. "Lou, can you give us a minute?"

"I'M NOT A TOILET!" Louis screams while running in the house again.

"Harry?" I grab his forearms, trying to get his attention. "Harry." He continues trying to kick the ball. "Snap out of it!" I lift his chin up so he looks at me. "What happened?"

"She broke up with me." Harry croaks.

"It happened again?" I ask.

"We've been on and off for ages. I can't take it anymore." Harry shakes his head as his tears flow faster

"I'm so sorry." I wrap my arms around him. 

"Don't tell anyone. I can't handle the questions. I don't want to answer the question 'am I ok'. I hate it." Harry rambles.

"Shh." I hush him. "Just cry Harry. You've been strong for too long."


*Louis' POV* 

"Are you sure you're ok with me going out tonight?" I ask.

"Yes I'm sure!" El exclaims. "I prefer to watch little kid shows than dance in a club where I can't even drink."

"I'll be back in a few hours." I leave a kiss on her lips. "Love you."

"I love you too Louis." She smiles brightly at me. I hug her once more before scooting out to the van where everyone was waiting.

"AGNES! WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!" I scream. My little sister errupts into giggles.

"It's called a dress." Agnes gapes out in-between laughter.

"It's so short!" I defend.

"You're such a brother." Agnes rolls her eyes and I stick my tongue out at her.

"Even though it is very amusing, can we do something other than watch you two banter?" Hannah asks.

"DRIVER!" Niall shouts. "TURN THE RADIO ON!"

"Why do you have to be so loud?" Harry asks, leaning his head against the window.

"I like to be loud." Niall shrugs.

"Well be quieter." Harry grumbles. I frown. He's been acting so strange since a few nights ago when he came home crying. I'm worried.

"You're insecure! Don't know what for!" Liam begins belting out lyrics which draws our attention to what song was on the radio. We all laugh before breaking out into song.

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