Chapter : 3

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Dark's POV
I enter school in a oddly happy mood , as I walk through the halls the kids around me whisper as I past with shocked expressions on their faces, I manage to hear a few things like
"I heard he scared Billy"

" he's the one who threatened to hurt Billy ,so brave"

" I heard he lifted Billy up , with only one arm ! So cool!"

I smile as I walk past feeling somewhat proud of myself
"HEY DARK" I turn to see Anti running after me
"Hey Anti, you seem excited "

"Yea! Have you heard ? What you did to Billy shocked nearly the whole school , no ones ever stuck up to him , your popular now Dark!" He exclaims loudly
"I wouldn't say popular but known, but I'm glad I did someone needed to deal with that bully " Anti nodded and we both walked into class, nearly the whole class started whispering except for some others and of course Billy, he just sat there all moody

The bell goes off and we all rush outside onto the field, I ran up to the tree from yesterday and looked around for Anti, Where was he? I asked myself until I saw a little boy with bright toxic green hair running towards me with a ecstatic expression on his face and his arms behind his back
"Hey Dark!" He greeted me with a huge smile
"Hey Anti, what took you so long ?normally your one of the first to get outside " I asked curiously
"Well I got us these to play with " he moved his hands, from behind his back, and held in front of me two small wooden swords , I gasped
"So cool!" I say excitedly
" I know! Me Pa got me for me and me siblings a few days ago their really cool" he took his , which  had a little engraving of his name on it ,and handed me mine , I looked at it  and how cool it looked it was really well made

"I now challenge you to a battle " Anti said holding out his sword
" what makes you think you can challenge me green knight?" I ask holding my sword close in a knightly stance
"I am the all mighty green knight and I will prove to you how strong I am dark knight !" He jumped forward hitting me in the stomach, wow I underestimated how fast he was.

I swing and hit him on the arm
"Wow your good!" Anti said. For the rest of break and lunch we ran around pretend fighting and chasing each other.

"Hey Dark, where'd you get that from? " my Dad asks pointing at the sword
"Oh Anti gave it to me, his family had an extra so Anti gave it to me" I explained
"That's nice of him, now you'll be able to fight with me" before I could react my Dad picked me up from the back off  my shirt
"HEY" I squirm in the air , he chuckles as I do

"Hey Dark, where'd you get that from? " my Dad asks pointing at the sword "Oh Anti gave it to me, his family had an extra so Anti gave it to me" I explained "That's nice of him, now you'll be able to fight with me" before I could react my Dad pick...

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"I the all mighty dark night will make you feel my wrath" I say swinging the sword at him, unfortunately it's to short to reach him
"Ha! You think you can fight your Dad with that?? You need a real sword for that"

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