Chapter :54

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Now before we continue on with our story , let me give you some insight on what happens when a demon goes somewhere like Earth . As you know human life has practically zero magic in it , which is unfortunate to them, yes there have been things like sighting of ghost, dragons and other such things...and there's a reason why some of these are unsolved.... those were creatures from different see sometimes the universes sometimes tend to mess up with those who have the power to change it , like ghosts , magical/mythical creatures and even...Corrupted Demons...and let me give you a hint as to who was secretly a Corrupted Demon...actually I shouldn't, lord knows what the...Consequences ..are . Anyway like I was saying about what happened to creatures who go to Earth..well they grow a special power...the power to change into animals, a shapeshift if you will, have you ever seen animals acting strange? Unusual even , or not how their supposed to...well then that may not have been any normal animal. And if you've seen supernatural things and you can't find any explanation for it....look might be able to find some sort of animal around.

Now enough of that...let us continue this story

3rd person POV

A dark green haired man , a man with one eye being green ..the other normal..a man who wasn't human..who was a demon...a demon who had lost his ability to fly...and a demon who had been his old friend. But this demon wasn't the same as he was see when a demon loses it's wings ...a part of it this demons case he grew long nails , well more like claws actually..and his skin around them grew red...or was that blood...he doesn't quite know himself...

"So your a YouTuber ?" The Taxi driver with a slight rasp to his voice asks , glancing over at the green haired man in the passenger seat, who was getting out a camera as he spoke .

"Yeup , and I couldn't have asked for anything better as a job" the green haired man looked at him with a smile , he was a positive man that's for sure

It was pretty late at night...the taxi car drove down a long motorway, where it had trees to its sides and as they couldn't see very far they had the car lights on , and not to mention it was raining, as heard from the light patters on the car , so they had the window screen wipers on too

"Oh it sounds fun..what's your name on there ? My daughter and son watch a lot of people on there so you might be one of them"

"Oh my account name is Jacksepticeye, weird name but I like it "

"Oh your names Jack "

"Well...yes and's complicated to explain " Jack rubs the back of his neck

"Oh ok that's understandable..what is your teal name if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh it's Sean , as you probably could already tell I'm Irish " Jack says with a small chuckle , the taxi driver doing the same

"Is is nice in Ireland, I heard it rains quite a bit there "

"Oh quite a bit doesn't even scratch the surface of how much rain there is . If I were to ever have a pound for now much it rains in Ireland I'd have a pound " the man raised a brow before Jack proceeded to say

"Cuz it never seems to fuckin' stop" the man chuckles, getting the joke

"Your a pretty funny guy" the taxi driver says to Jack

"Why thank you " Jack smiled a bit more and then proceeded to turn the camera on , pressing record and filming the front view , the camera had colour filters and Jack puts it to green since it fit

"What you doing?" The taxi driver asks

"Oh I'm recording this cuz it looks really cool " the man nods understandably and looks back at the road , thank god there were no other cars on the road, probably cuz it's late at night

"Wait a minute..." the man squints his eyes , leaning forward every so slightly as he now had both hands on the steering wheel , since he normally drives with one , he had spotted something ..or someone

"You seeing this Jack " he asks

"Yea...I see it " Jack looks ahead, wide eyed to see a figure in the road

| I was gonna include a gif here that was this scene but Wattpad isn't letting me, it's saying it needs to be smaller or something , but you can look it up , if you look through his gifs on google or something. I'm sorry I couldn't get it up but if you guys know how I can then tell me |

They slowed to a stop and looked at the mysterious figure in front of wasn't facing them till it did a sudden turn , facing its whole body to them.

In a sudden swift motion and in a flash of swirling blacks and greens everything suddenly went to black.

Hello....old friend (Danti story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя