Chapter :17

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|So a quick warning there may be some feels and slight triggers in this , you have been warned.|

{age : 15}

Dark's POV

I lay in bed, sleeping, the soft material covering me to keep me warm.

But it wasn't the most peaceful of sleep , I was having a weird dream. I was inside a dimly lit place, a ray of white light shone apon me as voices that were illegible to hear were whispering things to me. I couldn't make sense of any words except 'Dark' or 'Gone' .... but what did it mean.

The light started to fade causing me to panic till a monotone deep voice whispered
"Don't worry your just waking up Dark, but it's to late, he's gone..."

My eyes shot open and I sat up, my bed covered in sweat along with my body, what was that dream about? Why couldn't I understand some of the voices? .....who's gone?

Little did he know his questions would be answered soon.....

As it was early morning I decided to get changed so it would be quicker. I grabbed my red robes and wrapped them around my shoulders creating something to cover my bare chest , I then slipped on some black pants and stretched at the arising sun.

Today's going to be a good day I thought.

Until I heard a Thud....

I whipped around towards the direction of the sound, that looked like it was from downstairs.My  Mother , who seemed very worried ,ran downstairs . Me close behind her.

There my Father lay, on his back gasping for air as he looked ill , a kind of ill look that made them seem weak .

"D-Dad what's wrong, w-what happened?" I asked frantically at his side holding his hand , he tilted his head towards me and took of his mask, his now brown eyes had turned grey  and tired.

"I-I'm sorry to say Dark..... it's happening....." I didn't understand what was happening or what he meant. Until I saw my Mother crying..... then it hit me , it hit me hard , as if an avalanche of boulders and mountains had crashed down on me, and was slowly crushing me . But this was emotionally.

"N-No... you can't be dying now.... no not yet .... y-you have to stay alive " by now me and Mother had tears streaming down our faces.

Recently we got told Father had something called Cantur a disease that affected many parts of the body, some curable, some not at this point in time .... Fathers was one of the ones that wasn't curable ..... and this was a disease that unfortunately killed you.

"Not many people can prevent death Dark, this is my time, Fate as both a blessing and a curse it is . Fate chose for me to die today , I've already lived my life... I've been through life ... I had an education, I went into the army, I met the most beautiful woman in my life, I then married that beautiful woman " he turned his head to Mother and stroked her tearful cheek .

"And we had the best son any Father could ask for" he then turned his head to me, a proud smile on his face, I couldn't stop crying though, the tears never stopped for either of us.

"You two are the best family a man could ask for , Diana, I want you to live a happy and fun life and follow your dreams , don't let your age detour you from what you want to be. " she nodded and they shared a loving kiss . The last they'll ever have...

He turned to me and placed a hand on mine

" I want you to live a happy and fun life to , live it to the fullest you can. Become the best soldier there is, keep your loved ones close and never stop believing you can't do something, because you can. Be careful, because the world may not be the best at times but just keep believing in yourself and that won't matter. It's ok if your mad or sad some days we are living beings with souls... of course we're negative some times." I nodded and hugged Father , by now me and my mothers tears had turned into waterfalls on our faces.

He passed away , fading into dust that flowed through the air and upwards to heaven where he belonged. His son and wife laid there, in each other's arms, crying in sorrow for their loss....

| If anyone is feeling down whatever it may be for, please tell someone, anyone. Online or not just tell someone I know it may pain you to but it helps trust me. If you don't have anyone I'm always here, so please tell someone....|

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