Chapter : 40

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{ Slight feels warning}
Dark's POV

I wave goodbye as the delivery bird flys off, it was a big beige bird , was a brown under belly and on the tops of it's wings.

I sigh in content, walking back to the bunker and climbing in through the window since our door is very loud and creaky when you open it wide enough.

I took my shirt off, leaving me in pants , and underwear of course ,I lay on my bed, just looking up at the ceiling with my hands on my chest, reminiscing of memories...especially with my Dad...

I reached over , using my wings to steady myself ; to make sure I don't fall as I leaned over the bed  and grab my Dad's old , yet still sturdy and  intact horned helmet. I looked at the front of it and it's as if the memories turned to life in my mind, like they had been projected

 I looked at the front of it and it's as if the memories turned to life in my mind, like they had been projected

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|* try's not crying tears of joy and sadness at this picture *|

The wing flew past me as my Dad flew through the dense forest, trying to loose the creature which I , who was two at the time, accidentally disturbed. He held on to me tightly , a slightly worried yet confident look in his face, I was in tears of fear at that point

"Ahh Dad, there some on my forehead" I complained like the four year old I was . My Dad just rolls his eyes, still putting the red dye in my hair

"Oh hush , it'll wash off" he stroked the paint brush up and down until the front of my fringe was completely coated in it, he looked and me and chuckles

"You look like your apart of a tribe" he laughed as I looked at myself in the mirror

"Oh, hello Dark, your up late aren't you?" My Dad must've heard me as I opened the door , but he smiled kindly, beckoning me closer to him.

"I couldn't sleep... what's that Dad" I asked, I was five at the time I think, and very curious.

"It's a Echo" he said , showing it to me

"What's that?" I asked, tilting my head curiously

"It's a rare glowing stone , that can bring good luck to those who find it" he explained, earning an amazed 'ooohhh' from me

"Now off to bed, if your Mother found you up this late , she'd kill me"

Laughs and giggles were heard , as me and Anti threw powders of all colours at each other , flying over each other and throwing them at the ground by accident

"Ahem!" We both turned our heads to see my Dad , tapping his foot on the ground with his hands on his waist, a look of anger on his face


"Oh..." Anti finished our sentence.

"Go clean yourselves up and then come out here with a pale and a!" We nodded frantically, rushing to the river

A few minutes later we come back , Anti holding a wooden pale | old word for bucket in case you didn't know | above his head, while I had a small mop above mine.

The sounds of sobbing were heard as the little me cried ,my Dad looking down at me with his arms crossed against his chest

"Oh stop crying, your not a baby you should be tougher than this. Get up and do it again " he said sternly, he was very stressed and annoyed that Dark couldn't get something simple right

"I can't! I've tried my best and yet it's not enough! I'm sorry I'm not the strong son you want , but I'm trying!" I yelled through my sobs , wiping away my tears ... my Fathers face softening. He walked up to me and hugged me

"I'm so sorry Dark, your young and I shouldn't have said that.. you are the best son anyone could ask for" he wiped away my tears, kissing the top of my head

"How about you take a break, you've done very well" i nod , taking his hand

"I love you Dad"

"I love you to Dark"

Well.. you know what they Father like son

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