Chapter 56

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| Can someone help me please, I'm trying to download a game called Dungeon hunter 5 and whenever i press download it says ' this can not be downloaded at this time ' HALP!!! |

3rd person POV

Jack jumps back in surprise, letting out a sort of sound of surprise. He blinks a couple of times, rubbing his eyelids just to make sure he wasn't imagining it...just his normal eyes...maybe the light messed with his eyes

He shook his head and walked out the bathroom, still a bit dazed from what just happened

He got into the kitchen , his tummy making a little gurgling sound , he rubbed his belly lightly hm ...perhaps he'd have something to eat before he recorded some more ...oohhh a bacon sandwich sounds good !

Jack grabbed out the pan , bread, butter and of course bacon

He poured the oil into the pan and let it sizzle for a bit as he spread the soft butter on the equally as soft bread .


He flipped the bacon , licking his lips in anticipation as he smelt the delicious food being cooked , his tummy growling as if to say 'feed me!'

He laid the bacon in a somewhat neat way across the bread and then out the other slice on top of it as if he'd just put the bacon to bed .

He grabbed the knife to cut the sandwich and a sudden surge went through him , leaving him frozen for a split second.

He hears a faint drip on the tiled floor beside him , making him turn his head downwards to see what it was black...and goopy..

He felt something cold run down his face and when he touched it to see what it was , it was sticky , making it slick to his hand ..and when he pulled his hand from his face to examine what it was he gasps in shock , for it was still attached to his fingers yet it seemed to be pulling at his skin

"What the fuck..." Jack mutters quietly under his breath , he grabbed a bigger portion of the goop and pulled at it , feeling his skin pull harshly as if someone was tearing up paper but instead it was his skin

All of a sudden a huge lump ripped off his face , at this point Jack was screaming in pain ...and hidden in that screaming was the sound off someone else's light laughter...

In a split second the pain had gone..making Jack stand there , dumbfounded at what just happened ...his eyes widened once he felt something sharp lightly poke at his back....he whipped around, his eyes widening the size of saucers at the sight

It was almost like looking into a mirror, whoever this was looked almost like an exact copy of him , except with a stitched up neck , red claw like nails and... green eyes..

He giggled manically , grinning widely , whoever this was , he seems to be insane

Jack started to feel something weird build up in his eyes , he couldn't explain how it felt it was so bizarre

In a sudden bright green flash , everything seemed to go by in a blink of an eye , for now the person was gone and all that was left was a small pile of dust , and a utterly shocked Jack

"W-what was that..." he said , rubbing his temples to try and make sense of what just happened .....

" he said , rubbing his temples to try and make sense of what just happened

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It's not that easy to kill a demon who's already dead ....

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