Chapter : 8

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Anti's POV
I sat by my doorway on the porch, playing with my toy wooden dinosaurs , when I hear a sound of large beating wings approach me, I look up and see my eldest brother and sister flew down with groceries
"PATT, LEXA" I yelled as they landed , I jumped off from the top step into the grass beneath the steps and ran to them, hugging them both
"Woah hey lil bro, good to see you" Patt said ruffling my hair
"You jumped far if that step, impressive. It was almost like you flew" Lexa said and they walked in.


"Yes Anti?" Kevin , my smartest brother, replied as he read a book
"What age can you start to fly? Or at least learn to." I asked genuinely curious
"Well normally it's at the age of five where you can start learning and at  nine or ten where you fly , why'd you ask?" He asked looking away from the book and towards me
"Oh no reason " I said innocently and left him alone .

I stood in the middle of my bedroom
"Hmm so you start to learn at five hu? Well I'm seven so I can start now!" I said , talking to no one in perticular. I started flapping my wings hardbut it didn't work
"Ugg, how does everyone make it look so easy!" I pouted ,
"Wait how does everyone do it?" I looked outside my window and saw my brothers and sisters playing while flying, there wings moving in sync
' Ah ha ! So that's how it works ' I thought to myself.

I ran off to the living room and jumped on the sofa
"No this won't do, it's to close to the ground " I say aloud and then go to the dinner table
"Perfect but ceilings to close I might bump my head and get a bo bo" i looked around the house but there was nothing I could use....unless...THATS IT

I ran outside grabbing everything I could and made a little platform; it was quite high as well. I climbed on top of it , since I was pretty light and small I wasn't scared of knocking it down ,  I got to the top and prepared myself

 I climbed on top of it , since I was pretty light and small I wasn't scared of knocking it down ,  I got to the top and prepared myself

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{ Can we all stop and appreciate how adorable this is}

"Ok Anti you can do this! " I say motivating myself, I looked ahead of myself and jumped and flapped my wings ... instead of feeling myself soaring through the air I felt myself fall and hit the ground
"ANTI!!" My Ma yelled and ran towards me with a worried expression and picked me up
"You silly little boy what where you thinking !?" She shouted, not in a angry way but in a worried and motherly way
"I-I was trying to fly... but I did everything correctly how everyone else does it. Why can't I do it?" I say tears pricking my eyes
"Oh Anti it's not that easy, it's a bit more complicated that that and it takes more than a day to learn" Ma explained

"Oh..." I say with realisation

"C'mon let's get you fixed up then tomorrow we'll teach you and your younger sister how to fly, sound good?" I nodded and excitement filled me. I WAS GONNA LEARN TO FLY

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