Chapter :65

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3rd person POV

Anti sinks back into Jack's mind, still silent, but Jack understood why , he needed time to recover from his bad memories and Jack was thoughtful enough to give it to him .

Anti teleports them both back into the convention, now in a bathroom stall somewhere in the building

Jack flushes the toilet, so in case anyone was in there they'd know Jack was doing his business, and had not just suddenly and magically just appeared there . He peeks out the stall door and thankfully only a few people were in there . He shuffles to the sink and washes his hands quickly , before rushing out of the stall .

Mark's POV

I gawk over a fans fanart , it was really amazing and detailed , and beautifully coloured and shaded

"I-I'm sorry if it's bad, I just really wanted to give you something" they said shyly, I smile at them

"No it's amazing, you should be proud of it. And I appreciate you giving this to me , it means a lot " they smiled happily and I opened my arms out for a hug , hugging them back when they hugged me

"Thanks Mark , I hope you have a great day!" They said loudly as they walked off

"You too!" I said back .

"Well well well if it isn't Merkipler " I turn around to see Jack there , that usual happy go lucky grin on his face

"Hey , its good to see you too Jackspedicey " I chuckle , ruffling his hair before he pushed me playfully

"How've you been ?" I asked

"Pretty good , kinda tired since we had to fly in pretty late last night " Jack explained .Wait.... we?

"I thought you said Singe was in Denmark with her family still " I question. Jack seemed panicked when I pointed that out

"O-oh yea sorry, I just miss her is all " An awe was heard from the fans

"Aww , I'm sorry to hear that Jack , but I'm sure she would've loved to be here " He smiled

"Yea , well w-I better make the most out of it " he turns to his fans and starts greeting them , all of which seemed ecstatic to see him.

'Mark when do you finish having your little....moments with your fans ?' Dark asked in my mind

'In a few minutes, why?' I asked him back as I take a picture with a fan , both of us doing a silly face

'I need to talk to you '

'Aren't you doing that now ? Why can't you do it now '

'I mean in person you dumbass.' I hear a growl of annoyance along with the tone

'Oh alright. Well you'll just have to wait some more ' I hear a huff


{*Time skip flies like a majestic mother fucking eagle*}

3rd person POV

Mark walks out the convention building, going behind it since Dark requested him too

'Ok , what is so important that you needed me to come here ' Mark asked , but instead of a verbal answer from Dark , he felt something spring out from his back

Mark turned his head to see and what he saw made his eyes the size of the moon .

Hello....old friend (Danti story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum