Chapter : 11

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3rd person POV
Over the weeks the kids has slowly , but surely, learned to fly , Dark was a bit flimsy about the going fast and agility side of it but eventually got good enough at it, while Anti on the other hand was good at everything especially the agility part, this may have been the fact his wings were like a pterodactyl and they were quite agile.

Dark's POV
"Now kids you've all done amazing at this and all have earned all your badges" Kristen said , causing us to all cheer in happiness

"Now you have one last test , an obstacle course, this is to finish your learning on how to fly and may prepare those who want to become soldiers, for training " Lilly explained, I gasped in excitement  and my eyes widened, I had always wanted to join the guards and fight for the kingdom!

"So I know all of you don't want that to happen and if so then you are free to go if not please get in a line" Kristen instructed, I immediately ran to the line Anti not to far behind and we were one of the first

"This could train us to be soldiers Anti!"

"I know ! We really can be the dark knight and the green knight , imagine us slaying our enemies in really cool ways!" Anti replied, showing the same enthusiasm as me.

{*Time skip jumps around*}

"Well done kids you mostly all did excellent! Don't worry if you didn't finish or you found it difficult it is for kids older than you , now this is unfortunately goodbye but take your final badges as you leave. BYE KIDS!!" Lilly called out

"BYE LILLY" we all say as we leave with our parents collecting our badges

"What does it say Pa?" Anti asks , showing his Dad his badge

"It says ' you did it !' And it has a pair of big wings behind some small ones"

"What does it mean ?"

"It means your growing up and spreading your wings!"

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