Chapter : 36

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3rd person POV

All at once the trainees went ecstatic, shouting and doing whatever they could to grab commander Reyes' attention

"MEMEMEME" a couple of people shouted

"Oh! Oohhh! PICK ME" others shouted

A whole array of shouts and actions were displayed throughout the trainees, all showing both similar and non similar actions

Commander Reyes just laughs, holding up a hand which sent the trainees silent

"I will choose at random" he said simply, pulling up his hood he smirks at them before going in a cloud of black smoke, magically he seemed he disappeared, everyone wondered where he went but he reappearing in the same black smoke on top of a pedestal, looking down on the trainees, his chin in his hands , his eyes glossing over everyone of them

"You. Your name?" He points at Marie, who jumps in shock at being chose first

"Oh, I'm Marie sir" she says, trying not to sound nervous, even though she slightly was.

"Your up first" he points to the area in front of the huge crowd of trainees. She nodded , climbing over the fence that surrounded it with ease.

She walked to the middle, waiting a couple of minutes before everyone was watching.

Without warning, her eyes start to glow a dark purple , the almost smoke like glow coming from them turned to black near the end. Her teeth grew sharper and her hands started to glow a dark purple like her eyes.

In an instant she held her hands to the sky and shot a beam out of them, one that looked purple blue but could of been a dark blue to.

Everyone clapped and cheered, seeing that awesome display of her power, she smiled, slowly turning to normal and then she walked back, sitting next to Night

The day went by as a whole array of powers were shown , a few were:

Flying(without wings), super strength, super speed ,elemental powers, invisiblity , mind control, telekinesis (controlling objects with your mind), summoning weapons or other objects, turning limbs into objects, turning body into different material by touch, healing, teleportation and many many others

"Hito, your up" Hito's eyes practically were on fire as they lit up with excitement, he jumped up and leaped over the fence , standing in the middle like most people did.

He made a weird symbol with his hands , his eyes glowing a white colour before suddenly, copies of himself appeared, he showed that he could make them appear and disappear at will , as if it was his own army. People were in awe at how cool it was

Next up was Die , who could control fire, then Virus , who could hack into anything, Night was gonna be next but everyone already knew what her power was, she looked relieved she didn't have to go up.

"Dark, your up" he smiled and stood , vollying over the fence with one arm and then standing in the middle .

He slowly sunk into the ground, his body fading into a shadow. He started to go around the surface of the ground before pulling himself out of it, becoming an almost sentient shadow

Everyone was either, shocked, in awe or intimidated by this new look, after being pleased for managing to scare a few people, Dark chuckles as he floats over to his seat and fades back to normal, a few people gasping in shock

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Everyone was either, shocked, in awe or intimidated by this new look, after being pleased for managing to scare a few people, Dark chuckles as he floats over to his seat and fades back to normal, a few people gasping in shock

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