Chapter :51

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3rd person POV

A very deep and demonic growl was heard from Dark , his eyes flaring as if on fire , showing how absolutely pissed he was

Anti just growls back , it wasn't as deep but still demonic, as if he had some sort of creature hidden within himself , his eyes flaring to , especially his septic eye , which glows a bright green where as Dark's glows a deep deep , almost red ' pink , yet it was still intimidating

In a swift motion, Dark lunges for his throat , pinning him to a wall as he squeezed on his neck , not caring if he could suffocate at this point

For a slit second , a image flashed in his site of mind , it was of him in a similar situation with Billy all those years ago...except it was Anti was him as a kid , all bruised and hurt.......he looked as if he was crying and ...Dark was the reason for it...

Dark's eyes softened slightly, and so did his grip...what was that? Before he could try and comprehend what it was , he got kicked in the stomach by Anti , making him stumble back just enough for Anti to fly up and burst through the ceiling, not even looking back

Dark growls , his wings started to glow now , the same colour as his eyes ,this only happens at night or when he's fucking pissed

He flew through the hole Anti created, , flying after him as fast as he could . The thing is Dark had strength and stamina on his side where as Anti had speed and agility on his, and every time the black haired demon would even get close to Anti he'd just do a sudden turn in any direction

But ....Anti made the stupid mistake of falling into Dark's trap .... Dark had flown just a bit above him making it so the easiest option for Anti was to go down , which he did... but the problem was that Dark was heavier than Anti so he fell faster making it like an extra boost to his flight as he flew down to Anti , just in time to grab him and punch him in the back of the head , Anti growls and kicks Dark in the face with the back of his heel

This gave Anti enough time to turn around and punch him square in the face , at this point they were in mid air , punching, kicking, slashing just doing whatever they could to hurt each other !

Dark quickly turns into his shadow form , flying off , but Anti had other plans , he felt the energy from his septic eye build up till a laser beam shot out of it , heading straight after Dark, who was near the ground , and just about missed him .....and instead....

Hit his dads helmet...breaking it into pieces ...both the demons seeming to pause at what just happened...both shocked...

Dark whipped his head around to Anti..there were no words to describe how unbelievably furious he was at Anti!

He rushed up to Anti at a shocking speed and grabbed him by his throat again and flew down faster than a ton of iron being dropped from up above

Anti crashed into the ground , a loud BASH was heard as Anti hit the ground , being almost completely winded

He looked up at Dark , his eyes widening and fear taking over him

He looked up at Dark , his eyes widening and fear taking over him

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This wasn't the Dark from was as if he was a different person...

"YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF BEING CALLED A DEMON " his demonic voice boomed through out the forest ... and shadow creatures arose from the ground ...

They made their way over to Anti , turning him over so his back was facing Dark , he tried squirming out of their grasp...but it was no use...

Slowly Dark floated closer and closer to Anti's struggling body, he harshly put a hand in his back and gripped the base of his wings

"SO I'LL RID YOU OF BEING ONE!" And Dark then did the worst possible thing to ever happen to a Winged demon ...

....He ripped off his wings ....

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