Chapter : 52

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| So before we start this chapter I wanna just say something that a few of you don't seem to remember, it's not exactly Dark's fault that he's acting this way , remember what Consequence did to him , well these are the consequences of that! So don't start to hate the character unless he actually turns bad , I understand if your mad though I would be to . I don't wanna seem rude or anything, I was just pointing it out for those of you ok |

3rd person POV

As Dark held the now ripped wings of Anti ...their colour draining from them slowly , going from a neon green to a dull and transparent nothing....the wings slowly fading away into dust ....

Anti was watching as this happened, his eyes widened in pure and absolute horror....hurt all over his face, along with cuts , bruises and some blood , him and Dark had around the same ...

"!NOOO!" Anti screams , reaching his arms around himself to steel at his back , just to make sure this wasn't some mind trick ....but it was real , real as his hate for Dark

"H-How could you do this....I -I thought we were friends...." Anti mutters in disbelief...looking up at Dark , who had changed back to his normal state , a look of hate on his face...

"We we're friends....but back then I was to foolish to realise why kids avoided you...." Dark turns his back to him as he starts to walk away...looking back for a split second before continuing to walk on....

Anti tried to crawl over to Dark but he couldn't for some was only when he looked at himself did he realise why...

Just like his wings he to was starting to fade , slowly and in random places

"DARK HELP ME!!! " Anti screamed out , reaching a hand out to his old friend, hoping there was some little hope left in him...but Dark just kept on walking

Anti tried to scream but it just came out as silence as he slowly faded away

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Anti tried to scream but it just came out as silence as he slowly faded away....not one thing being left of him

And something surprising happened....a sad tear ran down Dark's blank face....but why....

Now you may be wondering, is this it , is this the end for Antisepticeye!? Will we never see him again.....and we'll in this world...maybe not but in one of the many millions of world and universes that exist...yes....and that place in the called......Earth

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