Chapter : 13

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{age : 12}
Anti's POV

"You'll never have them Lord Evil! For I am The all mighty SEPTIC EYE WARRIOR! I yelled as hit my wooden sword against the bullseye, with a drawn on face on it, multiple times until finally digging the sword snap bang in the middle, I brushed myself off and yanked the sword out of the bullseye

"Well done Anti! Your a great fighter" My oldest brother ,Patt said with a smile, walking over to me

"Really!?!? Do you think so? Like I could be a soldier one day?" I asked ,full of anticipation, my brother hesitated before saying

"Well about that..... Anti ,Ma has something really important to tell you..." he said , his voice seemed sad, but why was he sad?

"Oh ok, thanks for informing me Patt" I thanked him before heading inside.

In the living area my family was sat close together, with one seat empty next to me Ma , they all looked sad too

"W-what's wrong...are you disappointed that my grades are slipping slightly if so then I'll improve I-I promise I-"

"No no Anti it's not exactly about that, and as long as your trying your best and your happy that's all we really care about" my Pa said

"We wanted to talk to you about something else, now this news isn't going to affect how much we love you, cuz no matter what we'll love you but it will affect you in other aspects " me Ma said in her motherly way, patting the seat next to her

"So what is it Ma?" I asked , admittedly I was nervous as all hell but decided not to really show it.

She held my hands and took a deep breath ,then started explaining.

"Anti you have something called Sepinisa , it's a disease.... not a spreadable one though. It makes it so a part of you is infected with something dangerous and septic and it sometimes disables that part of your body, and the brain a tiny bit ,hence why you say sometimes your vision in your septic eye is very blurry...." she started , her breath shaky because of her tears but she continued

"T-This unfortunately means.... you can't become a soldier.... because there's a rule w-where depending on the disease or disability you can't join since it could be dangerous for everyone including you.... Sepinisa is one of those things.... " tears were streaming ,not only down her face but down my other family members too

"I-I'm so sorry you can't become what you've always wanted to become Anti, just over a disease .... it breaks my heart you have to give up your dreams for that... but you know what , we all know your a soldier in our hearts , you can still be a warrior. Our little warrior"

I couldn't believe my ears.... I-I couldn't be a soldier BECAUSE OF A FUCKING DISEASE!!! Why !?! Why has fate decided to curse me in such a way that I can't follow my own fucking dream!! I could practically hear my heart shatter into millions of small pieces as tears were like waterfalls down my face

I got up and walked to my room, my head hung low , I slammed it behind me and sat in the corner crying my eyes out.

|sorry for the sad chapter... something happened to a friend of mine at school and this was a vent for it, luckily I have my online girlfriend Bannanabread38  and my other online friends to help me .|

Thank you
EllebannaNStuff XP

kasey-wolf :D

Septiplier_Crybaby :')

MagpieYay X3

Bannanabread38 <3

For making my days so much brighter

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