Chapter : 46

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3rd person POV

As the years went buy Dark began to improve at breaking speeds , becoming the top of all the lessons , and made sure he stayed that way....But not only did his rank change immensely, but so did his personality....

From being the kind , charming and caring guy , who was so cool and calm and had the best sense of humour along with his great becoming somewhat...mean

He no longer was kind , or charming or a caring guy , he was mean and nonchalant about it , he never seemed to smile never mind laugh and he was somewhat...different

There wasn't that Dark you saw before, you saw someone else , someone worse...

His friends drifted away from him , Ana and Night left and went to go and make a book of every creature there was

Die and Virus had moved to building weapons for the army, with Virus's knowledge in all sorts of things and Die's strength they made a great team, and Hito...well Hito stayed but hung with different people

No one ever talked to Dark , since they were so scared to ...and who could blame them ....he wasn't the same as he used to be

Today was a very special day...wanna know why? All the trainees are gunna go home ! After four years of training and learning, they all now were part of the army in some way , wether it was in weapon making, the medical side , the solider or even something like the cooks were all apart of the army

As you could guess , everyone was ecstatic, and ready to tell everyone about their stories

Hito hesitated before walking over to Dark , a polite smile on his face

"It's exciting isn't it , after years we finally get to go home , what are you gonna do when you get home " he asked , looking at Dark who was looking straight ahead, his arms crossed against his chest

"I don't know , and even if I did I wouldn't tell you since it's none of your damn business " he said simply

Hito frowns , at this point he was done

"Look Mr asshole, I don't know what happened , but for the past two years you've been a complete dick , what happened hm? Or is that none of my business either! ...I'm surprised you even had friends " he walks off calmly, not bothering to look back and see if Dark had reacted

Dark did feel a little hurt by that..but didn't show it , his now dead eyes since he was strong, just like his father

What has he done to my son.....

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