Chapter : 32

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3rd person POV

Once the boys had finished unpacking and such, it was time to go and meet the head commander.

All of them lined up in front of their assigned bunks and started to walk to the huge cave like building, it was big enough to hide mountain Dragons , Dragons that are so big that their the size of mountains, not to mention they disguise themselves as one.

Once they all entered, they realised why the building was so huge. Along the sides of  of the building, was every soldier to ever exist, all the commanders and generals. There was millions of them....

Dark looked frantically around for his father , wanting to see if he could find his statue ......

And he did

Standing tall and proud was a younger version of his father, he one arm around his helmet and the other was saluting, he looked heroic as ever...

Dark admittedly started to tear up at the sight as he walked on past it, and sat on the long bench in front of his fathers status.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please   Give your attention to the lead commander, Commander Death!" Everyone's attention was drawn to the front of the building, where a huge , and very muscular man appeared.

His appearance just screamed intimidating, from his tall strong body, to his very calm face , to his red tight skin , that made his face seem almost like a skeleton..and the most intimidating of all.... he was a Hybrid, of not only two , but four demon types!

This was only achieved if a demon had the parents of a Hybrid of two... it was extremely rare to find some Hybrid with four demon types.

His wings were that of a dragon, big , strong and powerful with spikes on the joint of the wing. His arms were Disembodied and they hovered next to him with spikes on the shoulders. His tail was also that of a dragon, and has an arrow shaped spike at the end and finally...the most scary of them all...his horns.... they were not only on the top of his head, on the sides of his face as well, some were curled, some where straight and some looked like the head of a battle axe.....

"Hello future soldiers, it is great to meet you all" his voice was deep and wise, like that of a king, it sounded calm yet like he meant business.

"Now over these four years you will train here, you will train your hardest and be expected to push some limits now and again, I don't just mean in battle, I mean for those who are training in the medical side, the building side and in every field of work you want to train for.. by the time your done here, if you have done well enough then you should go home and live your lives, but when we need help wether it's fighting for war or something then you will be called.... your all very brave to be doing this... I know this won't be easy and you may need to cry at sometimes.. and that's ok , it just shows your a living being with a soul..." Dark smiled , especially at that lady bit.... it was the exact same thing his father said to him in his dying yet brace words.... and they will always stay with him

"Now that you have all settled in....let's eat, and I wish you all... the best of luck in the dear future " everyone saluted to him and then sat down as he did.

Cooks and Chefs yelled orders and instructions as waiters gave and handed plates of random foods out in the middle of the table, so everyone could have their share.

As Dark ate, he didn't face the table, he faced away from it and at his Dads statue , distant memories filled his head as it reminded him of when we was alive.

"Hey, you with the red hair" a female voice said from behind him, he turned and saw who had called him. She was quite tall and had brown hair with a green at the tips of her hair. Her eyes were black if it wasn't for the green and purple irises she had, she had a black leather coat which went down to her top half. Her shirt was light grey and was ripped to a point where it showed off her tummy. She had black leggings and combat boot on to.

"You ok, you seem to be staring at that statue a lot" the girl said, tilting her head

"Oh yea I'm good, I'm just looking at my Dads statue is all" he explained

"Oohh alright, just making sure, oh yea names AnaMarie, but most people call me Marie" she held out her hand so Dark could shake it

Dark smiled and shook her hand

"It's nice to meet you names Dark" he said to introduce himself

"Ohhh got yourself a lady Dark" Die teased, making Dark roll his eyes

"No Die, a male and a female can be friends you dick bag"

"Yea , plus I'm Lesbian soo I wouldn't be interested in him anyways " Marie admitted, resting her head in her hands.

|Ayyy new character! I bet Bannanabread38 knows who this is :3 and she's gonna know who's gonna be next he he. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful day/night and I hope to see you in the next chapter BYYEEE!|

Hello....old friend (Danti story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora