Chapter : 29

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|Quick disclaimer, I have decided to change up my schedule a bit so it'll be : 'Danti one shots', 'Hello....old friend ',' No ordinary sorry of friendship and love' and then ' Smitten kitten '. It helps so I'll be able to write more stories at a time! |

Dark's POV

After a journey that lasted a half day and all night we finally arrived, thankfully.

We were told to leave our bags and they'll bring them I ,as long as they have our names on then, mine thankfully did. Then we were ordered to line up, single file, in a straight line all facing forward

"Arms by your side!" A women commander yelled, she looked as if she could beat the shit out of you with her pinkie finger

"Who decided to put a woman as a commander?" A male whispered to another ,causing them both to snicker quietly , I look at them and say

"You do realise there are equal amounts of male and female commanders, all equally as strong as the other " I say to them, throwing a disapproving look at them.

"Exactly, now you two boys step forward" the female commander , whom they were talking about instructed.

They looked at each other , and stepped forward, and without warning she grabbed their two heads and slammed them togethercausing them to fall to the ground , groaning in pain.

"This is why you shouldn't under estimate someone because of their size, body, gender or anything about their appearance. That's lesson number one"  we all nodded and the two boys got up, still in pain.

"Ok ladies, follow me I'm commander Rell and gents , you follow commander Reyes "

|Refrence anyone?|

We all nod and start to follow who we were supposed to

In the outside I was calm and collective, but in the inside I was so giddy! Like a child on Christmas!

I was finally here! Finally where I've wanted to be ever since I was born and my father told me stories !

I couldn't believe it my life is gonna change for the best

Oh how foolish.......

Hello....old friend (Danti story)Where stories live. Discover now