Chapter : 45

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3rd person POV

The door slammed open, revealing a rather pissed of Dark, who practically had steam coming out of his ears

He was mad , no , pissed even , because they had done their sword fighting trial and he wasn't even in the top ten!!

Now to Dark this was a big deal , since he had practiced with his father for years , yet he was beaten by people who didn't know how to hold a sword right!

Now admittedly, Dark was a bit too pissed for his own good , yes I can understand his rage but this isn't a competition, your supposed to do your best and that's enough.

"What seems to have gotten you in such a rotten mood" a non familiar voice came from the shadows of the room that Dark know was realising that was pitch black , the only exception
being the light brought in by the door to outside the little house , that Dark almost just snapped in half

"Who are you , show yourself!" Dark shouts , trying not to show any fear at all

A figure appears from the shadow , with two small back horns on the top of his head , and two bigger and more curved , like ram horns , that were also black, his hair a blood red and those eyes..... Dark knew him to be Consequence

"......Oh! Sorry for intruding in your home and well...almost breaking your door down " Dark was shocked, no one had ever heard him speak, not properly anyway's , yet Dark was the first ever person to hear his proper voice.

His voice was mysterious and sounded almost as if it had been altered, distorted even , and he had this weird sort of accent that was unlike any other Dark had ever heard

"It's ok , but you didn't answer my question " Consequence said bluntly, seeming to not care that Dark was so close to snap his door in half like a twig if he was angry enough

"Oh " Dark sighed , running a hand through his hair

"Well , when you've been training for nearly your whole life on something you know your great at.....but then you get beaten by a bunch of newbies who don't even know how to swing right !" Dark growls , huffing through his nose

"That's understandable, if my father were to teach me something for nearly all my life and yet I still was beaten by someone, I would've been mad to " he sat on the window sill

Dark's eyes widened, h-how did he know his father taught him

"H-how did yo-" before another word could part from his lips , the room lit up in candle light, revealing a one person bed and seemingly endless amounts of shelves, full to the brim with spell books , all in the one room that Dark was right in the middle of

"I have my ways.." Consequence turning his head in the most creepy and slowest manner possible, the candles delicates fire seeming like a wild fire in his eyes

"Dark ,I grant people things to help them in ways that not many others could , basically like a wish if you will"

A cold shiver went down Dark's back , being creeped out that he somehow knew his name, but that quickly subsided when he said he could grant him anything

"Could you make me the best soldier there is , I need to be the best to prove that I'm just like my father " Dark asks desperately

A smirk appears on Consequence's face , hid hair seeming to glow along with those red orbs he has for eyes

"Why of course Dark Iplier , but remember this.........."

"Everything has its consequences...."

Hello....old friend (Danti story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora