Chapter : 63

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|Spooks, I need you to go to silverscar2002 and go support them and give them some inspiration, currently they are going through a shit ton and if you wanna know the details check out their book 'friends forever?' Their recent chapter explains it , please they could really really use it |

3rd person POV
Jack shuffled into the corner of the convention building and looked around for anyone, thankfully no one was at a distance where they could hear him, since they were probably all having fun exploring the con. Jack mumbles quietly under his breath

'Psst! Anti wake up 'he could hear a groan of annoyance inside his head , clearly he didn't want to be woken up

'You do know you can just talk time with your mind ' Anti said bluntly

'Oh...right ' Jack felt a little embarrassed now

'Anyways go on with your story or whatever you were going to fucking say ' he said tiredly

'So I was going up to the signing booth where I'm next to my friend Mark'

'Ok?' Anti said , unsure as to what a signing booth was but he didn't question it

'And I noticed something about him that definitely wasn't right ' Jack explained

'Which was?"

'His shadow didn't seem to move with him, like it was it's own person ' there was silence in his mind , which both confused and unsettled Jack

'Yo , there?' He asked , and as if it was a trigger to Anti , Jack was encased in a cage of swirls of black and green , like a tornado of the colours and he was in the centre, it made him feel dizzy and he somehow felt like he was floating

Soon his feet met with the ground again, and he stumbled slightly, not only from being dizzy , but also because he felt disorientated from whatever in the hell that ride of confusion was

Soon after Jack managed to steady himself, and the world turned the right was up and stopped spinning, Anti jumped out of his mind and whipped around to face him, he did not seem happy in the slightest

"WHAT!!!" He exclaimed loudly , stomping over to Jack and gripping him by the clothes in which he was wearing

"YOU BETTER NOT BE MESSING WITH ME JACKASS, OR SO HELP ME I'LL RIP YOU IN HALF " yes, Anti was definitely pissed for a reason that Jack did not quite know yet

"I-I'm not I swear! I-I promise I saw it " Jack stuttered out , his worried blue eyes staring back at Anti's multi coloured ones

Anti let go of Jack , growling as he paced around with fuming shouts of anger

"OF FUCKING COURSE HE'S HERE , WHERE ELSE WOULD THAT CUNT BE! NO WHERE WHERE HE CAN'T FUCKING RUIN MY LIFE THAT'S WHERE !" Anti boomed , kicking at the walls and rocks on the roof , sending them scattering all around .

He grabbed one that seemed bigger than the rest and threw it at full force, sending it flying all the way to the lake that was near the building...

Jack didn't know why Anti was so utterly pissed, but he sure as hell was curious as to find out

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