Chapter :67

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3rd person POV

Mark curls up into a ball , he hid his head under his arms , and he shut his eyes tightly  , ready for the harsh impact and awaiting the sound of bones becoming cracked and broken .....

But it surprisingly never came. And Mark could no longer feel the air rushing past him like a race car

Mark's shaky body slowly uncurled so that his head could look around and see what hand made him stop falling

He looks up at the ground, for he was upside down, yelping when he sees his head is practically inches away from the concrete roof , a few strands of his black hair touching it

"What the!?" He exclaimed

"Oh relax , your not gonna be fatally injured " a familiar deep voice was heard, making Mark look down at his legs , seeing one was curled up still and one was being held up by none of her than Dark, who had a tight grip on his ankle as he stayed suspended in the air with his wings continually moving

"Dark !? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR ,I COULD HAVD DIED!!" Mark yelled angrily at him, if he could reach him he would have punched him or something, but he was thankful he couldn't or he might regret it

"I'm not gonna let you die stupid, if I did I'll end up killing myself  too. Our souls are connected now remember " Dark explained

"Why didn't you just fly us down, it would have been much safer and wouldn't have gave me a heart attack!?" Mark shouted , confused at his reckless actions

"First of all , your the one who flew all the way up there , not me . And secondly it would've probably taken you forever to actually figure out how to get down , never mind actually doing it. So I improvised and did it my own way" and with that , Dark opens up to his hand that was previously gripping into the males ankle and Mark dropped to the ground , landing on his back. Thankfully it didn't hurt Mark to much , but as you imagine landing on concrete , even from a small height, still would hurt a bit

"Get up , I have something to tell you" Dark orders . Hearing an annoyed grumble from Mark as he picked himself back up , brushing himself off

Dark flew over to what seemed to be a light for the top of the roof , he perched on top of it, folding his wings behind him like a birds and resting his arms on his bent knees

Dark flew over to what seemed to be a light for the top of the roof , he perched on top of it, folding his wings behind him like a birds and resting his arms on his bent knees

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"So , what did you need to talk to me so desperately about that I almost had to have a heart attack for it" Mark asks , still clearly upset at Dark. But he took no notice and just carried on

"I need you to stop being friends with that brown haired man that came up to you and greeted you just a few minutes ago " Dark says, giving Mark time to process who he could possibly be talking about

" mean Jack?" Mark asks , confused .

Dark nods

"If he is the male who just now greeted you and had blue eyes and was scarily pale , with an accent, then yes that is who I mean"

"But why!? Jack hasn't done anything wrong as far as I know , plus he's my friend " Mark looks up at him, his expression a mixture of bewilderment and confusion

"I don't know what....but I can tell something is up with him...I can feel a presence of sorts..." Dark explained

"So!? I'm not gonna just not be friends with someone if you tell me too , I choose what I do , even if we share a body , you can't control my actions!" Mark loudly protested up at him

Dark's dark pink eyes practically were staring into Mark's soul, burning through his skin.

In some incredible speed he was now standing right in front of Mark , his face showing nothing but a numb expression. Mark admittedly jumped lightly in surprise of the sudden action

"Fine . But don't say I didn't warn you." He says darkly, soon turning into his shadow form and sinking into Mark's body again, not saying another word.

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