Chapter : 43

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| Spooks....I think I'm gonna make this story a bit shorter than I intended , for a couple of reasons

1- I want to get to the story stuff sooner

2- I can't think of more filler chapters

3-I have MMAAANNNYY more book ideas

I might also be doing the same to 'Smitten Kitten' depending on how desperate I want another story.

But don't worry , I'll make sure to make this a good story for you Spooks.|

3rd person POV

The pairs of trainees trudged through the dense and dark forest which had surrounded their heavily armed base , some whining about some sort of nonsense like some wet mud getting in their shoes or their hair being messed up, while others looked in fascination at the forest around them, wondering what sort of beats and creatures of your wildest imagination could live here .

They stopped at two particularly huge trees , with a giant 'X' carved into them both

"This is where you shall meet up at the end of your journey. You must all find one magical or enchanted thing in this forest , which isn't that difficult, and then come back here . It is no competition so there is no need to rush " Commander Zarya said , in her thick Russian accent.

{*Time skip finds an elder wand*}

"Soooo Nighty... how's your bunk mates " Marie asks , trying to start up conversation .

"They're Uhm...not the best if I'm gonna be honest " Night admits, looking down slightly.

Marie rubbed her thumb against Night's knuckle , of which the hand it belonged to was holding hers , fitting together like a jigsaw piece. No one except a few people, knew about their secret relationship, mostly because they didn't know how people would act about the fact two girls were in love  , but they were thankful they could tell some people at least

Marie stopped in her tracks , pulling Night to her chest , which Night let out a surprised yelp as she was pulled. As Marie held her smaller body close , she brushed some hair out of her face .

"Don't worry cutie , I won't let them do anything bad to you , if they do so much as touch a cute little hair on your body I will break their petty little fingers " Ana smiled at her , kissing the top of her head

Night blushed, looking away slightly before pecking her lips

"Thank you puddin " she says , now smiling just as much as Marie .

"Ya know.....we're alone together ~" Marie whispers seductively, smirking that signature flirty smirk she has. Night just playfully glares at her, some more blush creeping onto her face as she starts smirking slightly to

"Your a fucking perv you know " Night wrapped her arms around Marie's neck , pulling her closer

| Hmmm....that reminds me of a special someone..... HMMMM *cough*Bannanabread38*cough*|

"But yet I don't hear you complaining about it " Marie's hands snake down to her waist , inching her face closer

"What can I say, the flirty type is just my type " Night says , winking

"Will you to just fuck already! " a familiar voice was heard , causing the two girls to turn their heads, seeing Die scrambling out the bushes , in which he fell in

"D-Die go do y-your name " Night said, trying to come up with a good comeback to attempt to hide her flustered state

"At least I can actually get some ass " Marie says , flipping Die off as she holds Night close and protectively, not seeming to mind about the comment Die made

A hand grabbed Die by the ear , yanking him down

"Die , what did I tell you about minding your god damn business " Virus said blankly, seeming to be done with Die's shit

"To not go into other demons business.." Die said like a child who just got yelled at by their parents

"Good. Sorry girls , continue doing whatever lesbian couples do" Virus says , pulling Die away by his ear, which was followed in a series of 'ow's' by Die.

"I still can't believe Virus likes Die, don't get me wrong he's a nice guy but he does like to be annoying sometimes"

"Well , we all have our preferences, mine are adorable smol demons girls  , who I just wanna kiss forever " Marie says, looking back at Night,  their eyes meeting

"And mine are tall and hot demons girls , who I want to be kissed by forever " and with that , the two joined in a compassionate kiss.

| Sorry it didn't include the main character, but hey , it gave you some insight into the other characters.|

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