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'Change' - to become different or undergo alternation


My name is Lily, I’m 17 years old and I’m from the Bluemoon pack in North America. Yes, I just said pack so yes that does mean I am a werewolf. Scary right.

Most things that you read in books are true, most is the key word. I can shift whenever I like and you start shifting from the age of 5. This is also when you can find your mate. My mate is Nate Reynolds, next in line for the alpha position. Things haven’t been right in my pack and in me since 10 years ago when Nate was kidnapped by rogues.


“Nate! Come back! You know I can’t run fast” I shouted as we raced through the woods. My blonde plaits flying everywhere. “We’re not supposed to come this far! Mommy said we’re not allowed!

“Oh stop being a baby Lil; we can see the pack house from here. I’m your best friend. Trust me.”

I looked at 7 year old Nate, smiling with his new formed front teeth. He was always good looking even from that age. Light brown hair with bright green eyes. I knew that I was going to marry him one day; I feel the tingles every time we touch. Nate, however, seems completely oblivious to these feelings.

“Come and get me stinky!” I heard Nate shout from a distance.

“Who you calling stinky, you big smelly dog!” All I could hear was Nate laughing somewhere in the woods.

We started playing hide and seek. Nate was hiding and I was seeking. “Come out come out wherever you are! I’m going to find you Nate” I was deep in the woods by now and the pack house was long gone. “Nate this isn’t funny anymore and I’m boooorreedddd” I had been looking around for about 15 minutes and I STILL couldn’t find Nate. Uh oh.

As I got in the clearing I couldn’t find Nate anywhere, spinning around I started to get worried and this strange feeling came over telling me to go find him.


“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” This shout was all it took for me to turn around and sprint towards the screaming. As I found Nate I came to an abrupt stop as stood in front me was a man the size of a tree trunk carrying a struggling Nate through the woods.

“Nate!!” I shouted again as I ran to the ugly man and started kicking and punching him to let him go.

“What the hell! Get off me you pest!” the man shouted.

Next thing I knew I was being thrown across the floor and everything went black.

Trust me.  I wish I never followed him in the woods that day. I wish I turned back and dragged him back with me. I was the last person to see Nate and a piece of my heart was left in the woods the day that Nate went. I’ll wait for him though as I believe that he will come back and I will see him again. Some day.


This is my first time writing so tell me what you think!



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