Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

(Lily’s POV)

I woke up the next morning in my bed and still fully clothed. Cole must’ve put me to bed last night. I smiled at that thought, why couldn’t Cole be my mate? He loves me for who I am not like Nate.

Sighing I got up and did my daily routine. This morning I wore a very short and very revealing dress; I gave the heels a miss as my feet are still recovering from yesterday. Straightening and adding a bit of makeup I got up and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

I could smell pancakes on my way down the stairs so I instantly knew that my mom, Helen, was cooking in the kitchen. She was famous for her pancakes but she was also the cook of the house. Everyone loved her and I’m glad that I had such a loving mother who cared a lot for me.

“Morning mom!” I said cheerfully as I plopped myself down onto a chair.

“Good morning sweetie, sleep well?” she said while placing a plate of pancakes down in front of me

“Thanks” I smiled “Yeah I did thanks”

“Good. What are you wearing?!” she said when she turned and looked at me properly

I laughed “don’t worry mom, I’m not becoming a slut. Me and Sophie have a plan to make Nate jealous”

She nodded but said “Now honey, we need to talk about what’s happening between you and Nate” she looked at me with pity in her eyes. She came and sat down next to me.

“I don’t know mom. One minute he’s nice to me and the next he treats me like crap” I could feel myself start to tear up. My mom grabbed my hand a held it in hers

“Just remember Lily that he has been through a lot in the past 10 years, held in a place with no love around him. Maybe he’s forgotten what it’s like to be loved and doesn’t know how to show his feelings. He’ll be back to normal one day, just give it time. Make sure you will always be there for him; you are his mate after all. He’ll come round eventually” she gave me a smile that made me know that she was right.

“How do you know that though?”

“Because your father came from an unloving family and it took him time to finally warm to me but he did eventually. We Summer girls are irresistible” she winked at me which made me laugh

“Thanks mom, I love you” I said as I gave her a hug

“No problem darling, I love you too. Now get off to school or you’ll be late” she shooed me out the kitchen

“Okay bye mom!”

“Bye! Have a nice day!”

As I walked out the kitchen I saw someone run up the stairs. Shrugging I grabbed my bag and got in my car to drive to school.

(Nate’s POV)

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. They smelt delicious! My stomach growled so I got up and made my way down to the kitchen. As I got closer I could hear voices. I snuck up towards the door and saw Lily and her mom talking at the kitchen table.

Helen nodded and said “Now honey, we need to talk about what’s happening between you and Nate” I tensed when I heard this so I edged closer to the door really quietly so I could hear it better

“I don’t know mom. One minute he’s nice to me and the next he treats me like crap” I heard Lily say, she started to tear and I just wanted to go in and comfort her. My wolf wanted to go in but I stayed put. Her mom grabbed her hand

“Just remember Lily that he has been through a lot in the past 10 years, held in a place with no love around him. Maybe he’s forgotten what it’s like to be loved and doesn’t know how to show his feelings. He’ll be back to normal one day, just give it time. Make sure you will always be there for him; you are his mate after all. He’ll come round eventually” she gave her a smile. It made me smile as well. Maybe that’s why I can’t show my feelings. I know I’m trying to protect her but I don’t know what love is. I forgot what it was years ago.

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