Chapter 18

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Because I reached 1000 reads I thought I’d upload another chapter for all you lovely people! Enjoy! (Not edited)


Chapter 18

(Lily’s POV)

Aaron has been acting funny all day. Even when I partnered up with him for combat classes in gym he didn’t put any effort in at all. It was like he had something on his mind. I cornered him after gym to see what the real problem was.

“Aaron, what’s wrong you’ve been acting weird all day. Are you sure you’re alright?” I asked softly, placing a hand on his arm

“Yeah I’m fine, honestly” he gave me a smile but I could tell it was forced

“Aaron please tell me, I know you’re lying” I said sternly

He sighed in defeat “my aunt is not well that’s all, I’m just worried about her” he ran his hand through his hair

“I’m sure she’ll be fine but I hope she gets better soon” I said with a sympathetic smile

“Thanks. Do you fancy going for a run tonight? I could really get some fresh air to clear my head”

“Yeah sure but Nate is going to have to come, he’s gone all over protective of me remember” I rolled my eyes at this

A look passed Aaron’s face for a second which caused me to from. It soon, however, cleared and a smile appeared on his face “yeah sure that’s fine. Your safety is the first priority” he said while saluting.

I pushed him “Shut up you fool” I said while laughing

“Sir yes sir!” he shouted

I rolled my eyes and walked away glad that he was back to normal “I’ll see you tonight” I shouted over my shoulder

“Bye!” was all I heard come back

Smiling I went to find Nate to he could ‘escort’ me home.

I found Nate in the parking lot waiting next to my car. We made a deal, he only rides with me if I can take my car. He agreed after some persuasion, if you know what I mean.

“Hey babe” Nate said while pecking me on the lips

“What did I say about calling me babe? It makes me sound cheep” I said while hitting him on the arm

“Well what do you want me to call you then?” he said while rubbing his arm where I hit him

“How about start with Lily seeing as that is my name” I placed my hands on my hips

“Oh fine be that way then babe” he said while winking

I went to punch him again but he grabbed my fist and pulled me close to him. He placed his lips on mine and we soon got into the kiss. He pushed me back so I was leant on my car. His tongue was about to touch mine when a horn blared causing us to jump apart with shock

“No canoodaling in the parking lot you sex pests!” Sophie shouted out her window as Xavier drove past

Me and Nate both shoved our middle fingers up at her “oh fine then, see you at home bitchesss!” and with that the zoomed out of the school

“My sister is so annoying!”

“Yeah but you love her” I said as I made my way round to the driver’s side

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