Chapter 3

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There’s a bit at the end where you get a taste of what Nate went through, just a warning for people who don’t like violence like that. Here’s the next chapter! :)


Chapter 3

People around the room all started to gasp and their voices got higher and higher when they saw the person that spoke. Who is it?! I couldn’t see because everyone’s fat heads were in the way! I couldn’t figure out who that voice belonged to but something in me was telling me to see his face.

“Everyone move to the side!” the alpha boomed, he used his alpha voice so they HAD to move out the way

As the crowd parted his face came into view. Stood there was a 6ft male wearing a ripped, dirt ridden t-shirt and holey track suit bottoms. He wore no shoes. My eyes drifted up and landed on his face, he had light brown messy hair and those green eyes I could never forget.

“Oh my god!”

MATE my wolf screamed at me

“NATE!?” was Sophie’s reaction as she ran forward and practically jumped on him. I was still rooted to the spot, shocked at what I was seeing. I have been waiting 10 years for this moment and all I can do I stand here catching flies! Move woman!

“Happy birthday sis” said the soft and melt worthy voice. God his voice has got sexy. It sent shivers all up my body.

“Oh god Nate. I’ve missed you so much” Sophie sobbed.

I walked up to him; he tensed when I got closer and let a sobbing Sophie go. “Nate? It’s me Lily” I went to hug him but he shoved me away and I fell to the floor. Looking up with tears in my eyes he was leaning over me with a face I’ve never seen him use before on me. Disgust. Complete and utter disgust. 

“Don’t ever touch me again. I don’t want you to be near me, to talk to me or even acknowledge my presence. I despise you and completely reject you as my mate” he spat out. Sophie gasped

I was in shock. I looked around so see the whole crowd with their mouths hanging open. Steven was frowning. I could feel my heart breaking with every word he said. What happened to him? What did they do? All these questions were in my head as I ran out the house and into the woods, shredding my beautiful dress as I burst into my copper wolf and ran, to where? I have no idea. My wolf was whining and whimpering from the rejection we both felt.

How could he do this to us! He loved me! He loved us! My wolf whined

I don’t know. I really don’t know.

I walked around a bit more until I came into the same clearing where I heard Nate scream 10 years ago. Ha! What a coincidence! There was a lake over the other side so I went over, lapped up some water and flopped down onto my stomach.

After a while I heard someone lay down next to me. I didn’t move because I could tell from the scent that it was only Cole. He put his head next to mine and whined. I looked over into his eyes, full of pity. I turned away and this is how we both fell asleep.

(Sophie’s POV)

I looked at my brother with a confused expression on my face. What happened to him? I watched as Cole sprinted out after Lily. He’ll look after her, he loves her.

“Everyone out! All I want in this room is Sophie, Nate, Xavier and my wife. Move!” Everyone scrambled out as fast as they could. Once they were gone my father asked the question everyone was thinking. “What happened to you, son?” 

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