Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

(Lily’s POV)

By the time lunch came my feet were killing me for walking around in heels all day. How some people do this on a daily basis is beyond me!

My plan seems to be working so far as I’ve lost count of how many wolf whistles I got. I even got some phone numbers! It’s amazing what happens when you change the way you look. I know this sounds bad but I actually like all the attention. At first this was all for Nate, to get him wound up but now I like the way I look so I might stay like this.

Casey has been awfully quiet today. I expected her to call me a few more names and flaunt Nate in front of me. But nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. In corridors she just walked right past me, not even acknowledging my presence. Interesting...

I got into the lunch queue and noticed Nate was in front of me. Smirking, I discretely trailed my hand down his back and wormed my way down to the front of his jeans. I could feel him tense up when my hand got extremely close to his ‘area’, from the tingles he could tell it was me.

He moaned when I started to slowly rub up and down the front of his jeans and felt his erection as he got a bit excited. There were too many people around so no one could see what I was doing.

When I felt that Nate was enjoying my touch a little too much I brought my hand back and picked up a burger and fries along with a packet of crisps and a cupcake. What? Werewolves have fast metabolisms. When I turned to look for Nate I noticed he had left the canteen. I bet he had to cool down.

Chuckling to myself I paid for my food and went to sit down at my usual table.

“Hey guys!” I said while plopping myself down next to Lexi, my other close friend.

“Hey Lily!”



I got a bunch of greetings back which I gladly took. I looked around my group, all laughing and goofing about and smiled because I realised what a great group of friends I had. For the popular group you would expect them to be all bitchy and selfish but everyone is so genuine and down to earth.

To my right were Natalie and her mate Damon, then Amy the agony aunt, Jason with his mate Shannon sat on his lap, Bradley the joker, Nick the player (who still is trying to get with Amy), then Cole and finally Lexi who was next to me.

“Oh Amy why can’t you just admit that you are in love with me and then we can get married, have kids and grow old together” Nick said dramatically as everyone else laughed

Amy just rolled her green eyes and shook her red-haired head “Oh for goodness sake!” she grabbed the back of Nick’s head and smashed her lips to his.

We all started cheering and whooping, it was obvious that they liked each other but Amy was always so stubborn about it. Looks like she finally gave in. When they finally came up for air they just stared at each other for ages. “Mate” Nick growled and kissed her hard again. On rare occasions when two mates have grown up together they don’t realise their mates until they finally kiss. Luckily for me I wasn’t one of them as I knew that Nate was my mate straight away even though we grew up together.

We stared cheering even louder which caused them to pull away. Amy blushed and snuggled into Nick’s side.

“Congrats man” Bradley said as he slapped Nick on the back. Nick just smiled and buried his face into Amy’s neck. I was a little jealous but I just shook it off and turned to Lexi.

“Hey hun, have you seen Casey today? She looks a bit off” I said to her

She nodded her blonde head “Yeah I noticed that, look she’s sat by herself” Lexi nodded her head towards the corner table.

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