Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

(Lily’s POV)

I started to come round from whatever was injected in me. I went to sit up slowly only to realise that I was chained to a kings sized bed. How ironic, a kind size bed is supposed to be the most comfortable. I had chains on my wrists and ankles making it impossible for me to move anywhere.

In all the books and films I’ve read the kidnapped person is always tied somewhere in a cold, dark and damp dungeon. Either Aaron/Carter has a sick sense of humour or he has enough humanity in him to keep me fairly comfortable.

I don’t understand why I’m here. I recognise Carter’s name but I can’t remember where I heard name before. I know for certain that it has been mentioned but in what context?

I was pulled away from my thoughts as someone came into the room. I looked up, eager to find out what is happening. I got excited when a young woman with blonde hair in a black waitress uniform came towards me carrying a tray.

“Please help me out of here” I begged, whispering so no one else would hear me

She just ignored me a placed the tray on the bedside table. She then carried on to open the lid which I noticed had soup inside.

“Why am I here?” I tried again

Silence again. She continued to spoon the soup and bring it up to my mouth. I ate the food because I was starving! Once she was finished she just turned and left then room. Well she was helpful. Not. Sighing I flopped my head back down onto the pillows.

Hours passed and I was so bored! I could see out the window but all that was out there was a lot of trees and not much else. Nate is never going to find me.

I was just about to drift off to sleep when the door banged open causing me to jolt wide awake. I started wide eyes as Aaron came over to the side of my bed.

“Aaron” I gasped out

“I’m not Aaron. I told you my real name is Carter” he growled out.

“Fine Carter. Why am I here?” I demanded, using my alpha tone

“Your Alpha command will do nothing to me, I’m an Alpha too remember?” he sneered

“Huh?” I asked confused.

He towered over me as he leant down until his face was inches from mine. “Didn’t you ever get the story of how your precious Alpha Steven killed my father in cold blood just for trespassing? He didn’t even get a trail for the reason he was trespassing in the first place. Your Alpha is a cold blooded killer”

“Steven is a good man! He would never kill someone without reason!” I shouted back in his face.

“How about the fact that your little mate killed my entire pack!” his voice raised with every word he said. I gasped. “I’m guessing you didn’t know that part” he laughed

“Well what do you expect? Your pack kidnapped him and tortured him for years!” I answered back, defending Nate.

“I admit that Daniel, my father’s Beta, made a rash decision that wasn’t the best one but he wanted Steven to feel what I felt when I lost my father at the age of 7” Carter’s voice cracked a bit which made me feel a little sympathy towards him. No child deserves to lose a father that young.

“How did you survive anyway?” I asked

“I was outside training in my wolf form when Nate burned the house down. It was early in the morning so most people were still asleep but I always liked to get up early. My mother was in that fire too and I could do nothing to save her!” a tear slide down his face. I flinched at the hurt he was feeling.

“Why kidnap me though and why pretend to be our friend? I trusted you” I asked quietly

I saw Carter flinch when I said this “I ran when the house was burnt, I had nothing left. I knew it was Nate that burnt the house down so I was out to get revenge. I came up with the idea of getting close to the pack so you all wouldn’t suspect me. No one knew what I looked or smelt like so I made up Aaron Jacobs to become undetected” he turned towards me “I wanted Nate to feel what I felt when I lost my entire family, when I found out that you were his mate, you were the best target. The stabbing came from a rouge I paid as a warning”

“But why now, why not weeks ago?”

“I was going to wait longer but that bitch Casey nearly ratted me out”

“Casey?” I asked confused

“She knew who I really was and that day you told us about her screaming at you got me on edge so I had to act fast. I wasn’t planning on taking you in the woods, but it came as a good opportunity”

“Why would Casey know?” Casey was a big gossip. That must have been why she had been isolating everyone recently. Pulling herself away from everyone so she didn’t have the chance to tell.

“She’s my mate” he whispered


Sorry it's short! i just wanted to get some explanations in! :)

Thanks for reading!




Dani:) xxx


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