Chapter 14

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Dedicated to peanut98 for being the first to comment on my story! Comments like those keep me writing! :D


Chapter 14

(Nate’s POV)

I was talking to Xavier when I felt a huge pain spread throughout my stomach. It hit me so hard that it made me cripple over with pain

“Nate? Nate? What’s wrong?” Xavier asked worriedly as he crouched down to my height “Nate look at me! What’s the matter?! SOPHIE!!!”

The music had turned off by now and I could just see people crowding around me. I looked down to my stomach to see what happened but I couldn’t see anything. No blood. Nothing.

Just as Sophie came over to me another wave of pain hit me.

“AHHHH!” I screamed out

“NATE!? What hurts?” Sophie’s voice came in this time

“My-s-stomach” I groaned out through the pain. For some reason my wolf was pacing and was really edgy

Sophie lifted up my top but found nothing there. And just like that the pain stopped. I looked down at my stomach and frowned

“Nate, what was that all about?” Sophie asked as she and Xavier helped me up.

“I don’t know the pain just stopped. My wolf is really off as well” I said still frowning

“Nate, where’s Lily?” Xavier said suddenly sounding nervous

“Lily! She’s hurt!” I started to push through the gathered crowds

“She’s outside!” I heard Sophie shout. I made my way towards the kitchen door, afraid of what I might find

I flung open the doors to find Lily splayed out on the floor, unconscious. There was blood everywhere, seeping through her shirt where I felt the pain earlier

I ran over to her and picked her up “SOMEONE CALL THE PACK DOCTOR! NOW!” I boomed across the room, I saw Xavier get his phone out as he, Sophie, Lexi and Aaron followed me to my room

I placed Lily on the bed and cupped her cheek “Please don’t leave me, I love you, you can’t leave me now” I pleaded as I felt tears stream down my face

“Nate I’m going to have to move you out the way so I can examine her” the pack doctor said

I nodded and stepped back. I felt Sophie hug my waist so I wrapped my arms tightly around her and

watched the doctor work on Lily. I could feel my t-shirt getting wet so I looked down to see Sophie crying silently. I noticed that Xavier was there too holding her hand.

Looking around the room I saw Aaron and Lexi stood on the other side of the room, both looked a bit shell shocked. Lexi had tears streaming down her face too and Aaron looked worried and anxious.

I realised then that Lily was loved by everyone and everyone cared for her. She would make an excellent Alpha Female. This made me smile.

“Alpha?” I heard the doctor say

I snapped out of my trance “Is she alright?” I asked quickly

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