Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

(Lily's POV)

Not feeling like going to school I went into the woods and shifted into my wolf.

I've always liked running in my wolf form, it makes me feel free and it normally clears my head. I really needed this run right now.

I ran for a few miles, dodging some trees when I nearly head butted them. I stopped when I got to a small lake and slurped up some water. I studied the view seeing all the greenery and all the delicate animals that hid away when I got near. Feeling like a rest I flopped down onto my stomach and rested my eyes for a couple of minutes.

I was woken by a rustling in the bushes behind me. Getting up I got into a defensive position and waited for something or someone to come out of the woods. A deer suddenly came out looking dazed but once it saw me it dashed back into the trees.

Laughing to myself I turned back around to find myself faced with 4 very tall and very naked men. Rogues. I realised then that I must have run outside Nateâs territory. You idiot!   

"Well well well look what we have here" the, seem to be, 'leader' of the group said while smirking. He had blonde hair with a scruffy beard. They all looked about 25 years old. Bugger. They're going to be a lot stronger than me.

"An unmated she-wolf all alone" the brown haired one said while chuckling bitterly. The laugh sent chills up my spine.

I edged away slowly so they didn't notice that much.

"Hey Dale, I reckon she's perfect for you" the blonde one said to the brown one, Dale. He winked at me. I retched in my mouth. I really needed to get out of here and fast.

"Aww Landon that's totally unfair, let us all have a go. I'm sure she won't mind" the shortest one whined to the blonde, Landon.

"Fine, but I'm first" Landon said, he started to walk towards me.

I was walking back faster now, swinging my head from left to right trying to find a way out of here. Once I found an opening I bolted and ran as fast as I could.

"No! Quick guys! Get her!"

I heard all their clothes shred as they shifted into their wolves and their paws were thudding on the forest floor.

I was lost so I was just running and trying to find any way out of these damn woods! I could hear them getting closer and closer.

Suddenly one of them pounced on my back and we rolled along the floor. I shifted back to human form as my body made impact with the floor. The one who got me, Landon, had also shifted back and was now sitting on me. Shit!

I bit him when he placed his hand over my mouth to stop my screaming.

"You bitch! Now you're going to get it!" he spat at me.

He shifted back to wolf form and I could feel his breath on my face. Closing my eyes I waited for the impact while thought of Nate, Sophie, my mom, dad, everyone I loved.

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