Chapter 16

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Dedicated to rawrrdinosaur just for being an utter babe! Love you <3


Chapter 16

(Lily’s POV)

The next day, me, Nate, Steven (Nate’s dad), Xavier, Sophie and my dad, John were sat around the dining room table discussing my current situation. We decided to skip school as we had to figure out what to do

“She needs protection! If the person can get into the house then she needs someone there constantly!” Nate said a bit flustered

“I can look after myself you know! I’m a future Alpha Female so I have a lot of power!” I said standing my own

“I know but you still got stabbed!” Nate’s voice was rising slightly

“You can’t always bring that up! I’m fine now!” I was getting really annoyed. I hate it when people presume that women are weaker than men. I’m just as good as the male fighters in this pack.

“Guys! Stop arguing! There is no need to raise your voices!” Steven cut in.

“Sorry” I mumbled and sat back down in my seat. Nate did the same

“Lily please, just have someone around you at all times. It would really put me and my wolf at ease” Nate pleaded at me

“Okay fine” I said

“Right now that’s sorted John and I are going to watch the football and grab a beer” Steven said as he got up and made his way towards the living room, dad was not far behind him.

 “But it’s going to be one of my friends. I’m not having you hiring a bodyguard for me” I said turning back towards Nate.

“That’s fine by me. Sophie, Xav are you up for that?” Nate asked them

“Yeah, I’m around Lily most of the time anyways so that’s no change for me” Sophie winked towards me which made me roll my eyes

“I’m sure I’ll find the time out of my busy schedule to cater for her every need” Xavier teased whilst sighing dramatically

“Your busy schedule is full of Sophie” I winked at Xavier this time

Nate growled and put his hands over his ears “Lalalala I don’t want to hear about my sister’s sex life!” he exclaimed

I burst out laughing as Xavier blushed and Sophie punched me in the arm which hurt seeing as she has Alpha blood and therefore strong

“Ow you bitch! That hurt!” I joked; I got up and pulled my fists to my face bouncing on my feet “let’s do this! Woman to sex beast” I laughed

“Oi! You’re going to get it!” Sophie joked as well as she jumped up and started play fighting with me

Nate and Xavier just stepped back as me and Sophie started to air punch and kick each other in slow motion. Just like ninjas. Nate and Xavier found it hilarious. Bradley and Cole soon came in to find out what was going on

“BITCH FIGHT!” Cole shouted out while laughing

“Hiiii ya!” I shouted out and got Sophie into a head lock “Not so superior now!” I was crying with laughter by now

“Lily! Get your Nate festered hands off me! God knows where his hands have been!”

“Well I can tell you exactly where if you want to know” Nate casually slipped in, smirking

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