Chapter 23

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Just as a warning, there is some hard hitting stuff in this chapter so just be cautious. Also, sorry about all the POV changes but it’s needed to make the chapter more emotional. :)


Chapter 23

(Nate’s POV)

We were all running through the woods, all that was heard was all our paws thumping on the ground as we all kept up the same rhythm.

All of a sudden a scream ripped through the woods. My wolf stirred with worry and anxiety. This made me run even faster towards my mate. I picked up hers and Carter’s scents but dread went through me when I picked up about ten feral rouges.

I looked to my side to realise that Xavier also had smelled the rouges and fear was written all over his face. I shifted back while I was still running.

“We have about ten rouges up front. I want everyone to be on guard. Protect your Alpha Female and get Carter out as well. I want him for myself” I said sternly, I heard Casey whimper as I shifted back to go save my mate.

(Lily’s POV)

Me and Carter stood frozen as the rouges moved closer to us. We were both good fighters but we would never be able to take all these down by ourselves.

I screamed as one jumped and attacked Carter. Carter instantly shifted before the rouge got to him. I shifted as well, ripping all my clothes in the process. Once I was in wolf form my wolf picked up Nate's scent and about seven others. Happiness spread through me as we may get through this.

I was caught off guard when a wolf jumped on me. We landed to the floor with a thud, both of us were snapping at each other’s neck. I kicked him off but he bit my leg before he landed on the floor. I yelped with pain but this didn’t stop me from jumping up and wrapping my jaw around his neck. One down, nine to go. I looked over to find Carter had killed another one. Eight.

I noticed a small rouge cowering behind a tree. Her scent was a little off but I was so blind with rage that I jumped over to her and landed on top of her. I was just about to lock my jaw around her neck when Bradley bounded over and knocked me off her. I rolled to stop the impact and when I got on my feet about I saw Bradley crouched in front of the small rouge, bearing his teeth at me. I looked at him strangely but brushed it off and got back into the fight.

I was pounced on again but he was soon thrown off by Nate who just finished off another wolf. Seven. He killed that one as well. Six. He looked at me and rubbed his head on mine. We were lost in the moment when we heard a gunshot go off. We both whipped around to find a rouge with dirty blonde hair holding Carter’s gun that must of fell to the ground when he shifted.

Nate instantly ran over to the blonde rouge and ripped his head off. Five. I heard a heart wrenching scream which made me turn around to find Casey knelt down next Carter who had shifted back to human form. He had blood pouring down his chest.

I ran towards him, shifting in the process. I noticed that all the rouges were dead now and relief rushed through me when I saw Cole standing healthy and alive. I bowed my head to him which he returned. Everyone had shifted now and had clothes on; Nate came over to me and gave me a t-shirt. I pulled it on and knelt down next Carter. He had been shot near his heart. He had no chance.

“Carter, I love you” Casey sobbed

“I never wanted to reject you” Carter gasped out “I loved you from the moment I saw you” a tear ran down his face and he looked into Casey’s eyes with so much love. Tears started to run down my face.

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