Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

(Lily’s POV)

Sitting in class in fourth period I was trying to listen to Mrs Harrison go on about chemistry: atoms, electrons, blah blah blah. Unfortunately none of my friends were in this class with me.

“Mrs Harrison can you please come to the office, it’s extremely important” came over the intercom.

“Right class, I want you to turn to page 65 in your text book and do the summary questions. I won’t be long and I expect answers when I get back” Everyone groaned as she walked out the room.

Sighing I started to flick through my book to find page 65, after reading the extract and trying and failing to answer the questions I heard the high pitch laugh of Casey, the schools slut.

“So Lily, how does it feel like to be rejected by the Alpha” She said in her even annoying whiney voice.

“Piss off Casey, I don’t want to deal with your shit” I practically growled out.

“Now now Lily, that is no way to speak to your soon to be Alpha Female” She had a huge smirk on her face. What the actual hell!?

“Excuse me?” the whole class had turned and was listening to us by now.

“Well, seeing as you haven’t got a hope in hell I thought I’d give it a go with Nate. You know, give him a good time” She winked at me and laughed out loud.

I had my fisted clenched underneath the desk “He wouldn’t touch you!” I spat out

“That’s not what he said this morning when we were getting...acquainted in his car, if you know what I mean” her friends snickered this time. There was a round of ‘ooooos’ that went around the room. That bitch!

“STAY AWAY FROM MY MATE YOU BITCH!” I stood up and got right in her face.

“Oh yeah and you’re going to try and stop me? Fat chance”

My wolf had completely taken over by now; she was reeling from the fact of our mate being with someone else. I lunged at her and we both toppled to the floor. I got on top off her and started to pull her bleach blonde extensions out as she screamed and tried to block me. “LEAVE *slap* NATE *slap* ALONE!” By this point people had gotten up and started to record the whole fight while chanting ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’. I was about to claw her fake face when I felt someone pull me off her.

“NO LET ME FINISH! GET OFF ME!” I shouted as I struggled to get away from the person who was holding me. I grabbed the person’s hands to pull them away but I instantly stopped when I felt tingles go through me. Nate!?!

“WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE!?” Mrs Harrison boomed across the classroom. “Nate lovely to have you back but can you escort Miss Summers out the class to cool down!”

Nate pulled me out of the classroom and dragged me down the corridors. Even with my protests he just carried on walking. Once we were outside, he practically threw me onto the field

“What the hell is wrong with you Lily!?” Nate shouted in my face.

“Why didn’t you let me finish her!” I shouted at the same time.

“You need to calm down before you go wolf in front of the whole school!”

“Don’t you dare tell me to cool down! I can-“ I was cut off by Nate’s arms going round me and him nuzzling his face into my neck. I instantly felt my anger go down and my wolf was purring from being held by our mate. It felt so right to be in his arms, our bodies fitted like a puzzle. I breathed in his scent as my ragged breathing turned back to normal. This feels so- WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING! I’m supposed to hate him!

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