Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

(Lily’s POV)

In school the next day news about me and Nate spread like wild fire. Literally, by the end of first period practically the whole school knew. That’s what you get for being the next Alphas I suppose.

I always had someone with me at all times seeing as Nate is slightly freaking out but I’m not that bothered anymore because my ‘bodyguards’ are people I hang around with anyways.

I was surprised that all the girls were really nice to me. To be honest I was expecting them to be all bitchy because I got the hottest guy in the end but they were all completely genuine. I haven’t even heard the high pitch squeak of Casey yet which it a bit weird. Normally, she would be all in my face by now, screeching about how I ‘stole her man’. Like I said, weird.

I was sat in biology when I really needed the toilet. I raised my hand

“Yes Lily?” the teacher said

“Can I go to the toilet please?” I asked nicely

“Yes you can, but be quick” she turned back to the board as I got up and made my way out of the classroom.

I walked down the corridor and entered the girls’ bathroom. I did my business and heard someone else come in. I came out the cubicle to find that another one was shut. Shrugging my shoulders I walked over the sink and washed my hands. I was just about to go to the hand dryer when I heard someone sniffle in the cubicle that was shut.

After a few seconds of listening I heard the person start to sob. Frowning I walked over to the closed cubicle.

“Hello? Are you okay?” I shouted through

All I got was silence back as the crying suddenly stopped. Still frowning I shouted again “are you sure you’re alright in there?”

“Go away!” she shouted back

I pulled back for a minute as I really recognised that voice. Wait. That was Casey?

“Casey?” I asked

I heard an intake of breath “I said just go away Lily” it came out more like a whisper

“I’m not leaving until you come out and tell me what’s wrong. I know I’m not your greatest fan but I’m here to listen” I said softly

“I can’t tell you” It was so soft that I barely heard her


The door swung open and there stood Casey, tears streaming down her face. I had to step back a bit; she was closer than I thought

“I said I can’t tell you!” she shouted at me

I recoiled from her voice “what do you mean can’t?” I asked confused

“I just can’t okay! You don’t understand! No one understands!” she shouted again and then she just ran out of the bathroom

I stood there for a bit, a little shocked from her sudden outburst. Wow I never thought I’d see the day Casey cracked.

Sighing I made my way back to the classroom just as the bell went. Great now I’m going to be in trouble.

“Miss Summers where have you been” Mrs Sharp asked when I entered the door. The room was empty now

“Sorry miss there was someone upset in the girls toilet so I was helping them out” I answered honestly

Mrs Sharp softened to this as she was a werewolf and understood what it was like to be an Alpha Female. They were extremely motherly and caring. “That’s okay then” she smiled “off to lunch you go”

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