Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

(Nate’s POV)

“Oh shit” I said out loud this time

“What’s the matter? Who’s the text from?” Xavier asked

Bradley peered over my shoulder “Who’s cage did you rattle?” he said chuckling, trying to lighten the mood

“You know when I escaped from the Moonstone pack?”

“Yeah” Xavier said nodding

“Well it looks like I didn’t kill everyone like I first thought. Someone has survived and I think they want revenge and they’re going to use Lily to get it” I put my head in my hands “oh god, what have I done” I groaned out

“Do you know who would do this? Any idea at all?” Xavier asked going into Beta mode

“I don’t know most of them. I only know of the Beta, Daniel and the guy that guarded my cell. I never knew his name though. I’ve heard of Carter, Alpha James Fisher’s son but I never met him. The best chance is that it’s Daniel as he knows all the information about me and he knows where I live”

“Well it’s a start I suppose. When Lily wakes up we need to ask her if she looked at the guy who attacked her. That could make out search smaller”  

“I could track the phone that the text was sent from, I’m kind of a computer geek” Nick said while looking a little embarrassed

“Sounds good to me” I said while nodding “thanks for the help tonight”

“Anytime Nate” Xavier smiled at me

I smiled back “Why don’t you all go bed, it’s been a long night”

Nick and Bradley nodded and turned to walk out the room. Xavier stayed behind and placed a hand on my shoulder

“She’s changing you, you know” he said as he nodded towards a sleeping Lily

“I know” was all I said “Thanks for sticking by me as well Xav, I’ve been a dick but you’ve always been there”

“No problem bro, we always have and always will be best mates” He patted me on the back and walked out

Sighing I turned back to Lily “You really are changing me for the better” I smiled at her and fell asleep whilst holding her hand carefully in mine

(Lily’s POV)

Everything was black

Oh god please tell me I’m not dead

I could feel myself being pulled into a particular direction

I slowly came back to my senses. I’m not dead!

My hearing came back first seeing as that is the most sensitive part of being a werewolf. I could hear someone breathing next to me and that was it. My touch came back to me next, I could feel sheets beneath one hand so I must be in a bed and someone was holding my other hand. I panicked for a bit but when my sense of smell came back I noticed that it was Nate next to me so I instantly calmed down.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that it was pitch black. Thanks to my werewolf eyes I could see in the dark so I turned my head to see and sleepy Nate next to me. He looked so cute when he slept that it made my heart swell. His brown hair was covering his face; he must have been with me all the time. At this thought a smile spread across my face.

Looking around I didn’t notice the room I was in. That was until I noticed a picture that was on the bed side table. It was the same picture of me and Nate that was in my locket. I’m in Nate’s room I thought to myself, my wolf purred at this. Down girl!

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