Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

(Lily’s POV)

Unfortunately like every other teenager I had school to get ready for. As I got back to the pack house I realised that it was only 5:30 so everyone must still be sleeping

Sneaking up to my room I got into the shower and with a quick wash of my hair I got out and dressed into a white flowery summer dress. While I blow dried and straightened my hair I thought over what had happened in the past couple days.

I didn’t know how I will be able to face Nate ever again. I feel so humiliated as I always dreamed about the day he came back and that dream definitely did not become a reality. I don’t understand how he could be so cold to me. I loved him with everything in me and he just throws it back in my face!

And Cole! I have no idea what is going on with him! Why did he kiss me? Did he have feelings for me? He’s never came on to me before, just flirted with me like he does everyone else right? I’m so confused!

Sighing I got up and went down to breakfast where, thankfully, only Xavier sat at the table eating toast. I smiled at him as I sat down.

“Hey Lily, how are you holding up?” Xavier asks

“Could be better I suppose but it’ll get better” I sighed

Xavier smiled but looked at me funny “what??” I asked feeling confused.

“Ermm you do know that Nate is starting school today, right?”

“WHAT!?! Why..whaaa..oh goddd ughhh” I groaned as I banged my head down on the table “Does he want to torture me further!”

“I’m guessing that is a no then?” Xavier looked at me sympathetically but I could see the humour shining in his eyes

“Oh this is going so much fun!” I said sarcastically as I got up and made my way to the car.

Stupid mate. Why can’t he love me like a normal mate would! I stabbed my keys into the ignition and made my way to school.

As I pulled into the parking lot I could already feel everyone’s eyes burning into me. Some sympathetic, some genuinely upset and the bitches who had a smug look on their faces. Sluts. Practically my whole year was at Sophie’s party so they all saw me get rejected and it’s most probably gone around the school by now. Fun fun fun.

I got out my car and it was like the parting of the red seas. Everyone moved when I got near them. You would think that rejection was a disease.


I looked around to see Sophie barrelling towards me

“Omg! Where did you go! I was so worried about you all night!” she had me in a death grip at this point. “I know that Cole was with you but I was still worried about you!” I blushed at the thought of Cole. “Wait, why are you blushing? Did something happen with you and Cole?” she gasped.

“Ermm let’s talk about this later okay”

“Okayyy but you have to tell me everything when we get home. Deal?”

“Deal” I groaned “Soph, is it true that Nate is starting school today?”

“Yeahh sorry hun” Sophie grimaced.

Just as she said that I started to hear the whispers going around the parking lot. I turned to see Nate coming out of his brand new car, looking gorgeous as normal; he sauntered past me and looked me straight in the eye.

At first all I saw was hate but something flickered in his eyes that made me frown. Regret? Love? Pain? He looked away quickly and carried on through the doors.

Looking back at Sophie she had a look of confusion as well.

“If I’m not mistaken, I felt love through the twinnie link (that’s the name Nate and Sophie made up for their link when they were younger) just then” Sophie said thoughtfully.

That gave me some hope. Hope that one day I will change him. To make him love me like I now realise he does. I just wonder why he rejected me in the first place.

(Nate’s POV)

I got out my new car I got this morning and as soon as I stepped out whispers and chatter went all around me. ‘Who’s that?’ ‘He’s hot!’ ‘You know, he looks familiar’ ‘Omg! It’s Nate!’ Rolling my eyes I stepped through the crowds and made me way to the doors of the school.

I could smell my mate as I got closer and was planning to walk straight past but my wolf made me look up and into the eyes of our mate.

I tried to make my facial expression read off hate but as I looked into her eyes I couldn’t help but feel the love and regret pass through me.

After a few minutes of staring I pulled my head away I walked in the direction I was heading.

Damn it!


Sorry it's short but it's more of a filler chapter :)

Thanks for reading!




Dani xxx

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