Ch. Two

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Intense Arrival

Just as he spoke those words I couldn't help but tremble with agonizing fear. How on Earth could any living being take away the only thing we had to hold on to, to search for, with the simplest of words?


The one thing we knew was rendered beyond our control at the moment, but it was the last thing we sought to fight for.

"Just to make it easier on you, delete it from your vocabulary completely. In this lifestyle you do not have any freedom, it's not existent. Just as perpetually equivalent to your soul.", he said. As if it was the most straightforward and unexplainable statement possible.

As if on queue, I was abruptly and roughly grabbed by my left forearm and pulled towards the direction opposing the clean and new vehicle.

It felt as though someone had picked up the world and started spinning it rapidly.

I couldn't bare to stand on my own bound two legs and my head was incredibly dizzy, I couldn't focus to save my life even if I tried.

I fell to the ground, my exposed knees first towards the gravel, scraping the remains of my skin and uninvitingly exposing my bare flesh into the dirty ground beneath me.

My tender and fragile hands landed on my nude thighs, resting there in fear of searching around for guidance.

My body was becoming numb and immune to the horrible pain inflicted upon it. My breathing became rapid and I was short of air.

Suddenly I could see my life slowly slipping past my fingertips, into the dark future in front of me in which I had no control of turning and running to freedom... That word again.... freedom.

"What are you doing?! Stop alluring attention towards yourself and just get up! It's not that hard. If you want to rest I'll be more than happy to put you out of your self pity and kill you right here, right now. I have no time for such foolishness, If you wish to waste my time I won't bother wasting yours with your insignificant and pathetic excuse of a life.". His voice pierced through my ears as he yelled, literally centimeters away.

I don't know what had gotten into me but I managed to get up on both legs, still unsure of my balance, and stood with the last amount of strength I had bottled up inside of me.

The ability to see was still gone but I had noticed that my hands were no longer tied but free, something I knew I was no longer. The strap around my mouth restrained me from yelling in agony as I fell earlier.

The only way and or form of speaking was through tears, which came down relentlessly. The tears seemed to be the only clean part of my body at the moment. I felt disgusted, used, and dirty.

Once he was done dealing with me, I could feel his presence slowly slip past me and behind me. I could also hear and feel the rapid breathing of the other girls behind me. I assumed by now we were all out of the vehicle.

He came towards me once again and cuffed my hands together by a chain, that was soon linked with the other girls as well. The only connection we had of one another was by a thick and silver chain. Bound by it like the crazy and wild animals we weren't.

"Do not and I repeat, do not try anything senseless again. Your acts of stupidity end here, right now. Master is most definitely not the tolerant type, he will not cease to kill you whenever he has the chance. He is a man with no absolute feeling, no sense of emotion. I know from experience and I have seen more dead bodies than any human being ever wishes to. Obey his commands, do as he says and as he pleases. Do not speak nor ask questions. You should never question anything he says for the sake of your life. Whenever you respond to his commands you speak with a form of respect, you will say yes "sir" or yes "Master". And most importantly, you must always keep your head down as a sign of appreciation. You cannot and must never look him directly in the eyes unless told to do so. In no shape or form do I care for our wellbeing just because I am telling you of these ground rules. I am simply saving myself from having to clean up the bloody mess of four dead bodies. Keep in mind of what I have told you for the duration of your time here, which of course, will probably be until the death of you.", And just as those cruel words were embedded into my mind for an everlasting eternity, he pulled on the chains, motioning us to move forward.

We walked for what seemed like a long and unending hour of pure gravel and, now and then, the fresh dirt. My bare feet were becoming too weak, as I felt the sensitive skin underneath begin to peel slowly, tears still slipping past my cheeks and into the gravel below.

As I took a few more painful steps I came across the feeling of the cold and smooth cement begin to form underneath me, almost as a sign of hope. Taking into consideration that we have been fast walking the entire time, my legs began to shake and shut down beneath me.

I could feel my trembling knees begin to unbuckle as I took my last few steps up and towards the unknown house.

Just as the door opened, a cool rush of air was exposed on my dirty skin. I couldn't help but smile a little inside as I welcomed and allowed this completely unrecognizable speck of humanity rush against my body like static.

Although the walking didn't stop there, we continued on a dark hall towards what seemed like double doors leading to a completely dark room.

Two knocks were heard before entering the strange and deranged room.

I wash pushed and shoved around, man-handled to their liking until the unthinkable happened. First, the strap around my mouth was roughly taken off, giving myself access to speak again.

And secondly, the blindfold was taken off abruptly as well, giving me the ability to see once again.

My eyes reacted horribly to the spare amount of light in the room that I managed to look away and down at my mutated feet that have been through an immense amount of pain in the last hour or so. I was given so much access to my senses yet I felt so trapped and weak.

Just as I was starting to lose hope, a very solid and vigorous voice spoke between the silence. "Aaaah, so these are my possessions? My.... toys." He spoke in the thickest European accent I've ever heard. He said the word 'toys' as if it were a little joke to himself and no one else.

"Well, I can't say I'm ecstatic. You men did somehow manage to find the worst looking group of females in all of Europe, but then again what did I expect of such brainless idiots like yourselves. However we shall proceed to the greetings. Hello Ladies, or whatever it is that half of you are. Welcome to my home. Quiet beautiful isn't it?" He managed to laugh at the thought of it.

"Either way, I'm sure Vikram has gone over the ground rules. As for my name... well, that is quiet confidential so as of now, I am your Master and your only Master. I'm quiet possessive of my belongings so don't-". He stopped abruptly as if he had seen something more important than his little speech.

I could hear his footsteps slowly creep towards me, I began to shake and tremble immensely. And just as I was about to close my eyes, right in front of my feet formed big and new black oxfords, nice and shined to a crisp.

"Who is this?", he spoke softly with utter disgust.

"What kind of atrocious and disturbing mut have you brought to me now? What is this? Is this some kind of joke, Vikram? How much did you manage to pay for such trash? Pure embarrassment.", he spat out the last word as if angered by me.

Tears started streaming down my face quickly, I had never in all of the years I'd lived have I ever been spoken about in such a horrible manner. Why am I still alive?

"Oh no, don't worry.", Master spoke in such a hushed tone, as he caressed my chin. "We'll most definitely  have fun with you". And with that he walked away and back to his position in front of the dark room.

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