Ch. Nine

180 4 0

Anger Has No Limits

Master's pov

Business is complete shit right now, and I cannot tolerate anybody's presence at the moment. I slam my hands on my desk, feeling the pain radiate around my fists.


I feel sorry for the any dumb fuck that crosses me today... I need some time to think and rest, this is unhealthy. Not only for myself, but for anyone around me.

I get up slowly and make my way to the double doors, breathing slowly repeatedly, waiting for the anger to settle down for the night. Today has been the worst.

Not only has my business been slow, but the majority of my staff here are lacking their capability of control over my maids.

I slam my way through the double doors, almost hitting both men posted in the face if they hadn't moved over or reacted quickly enough.

"Sir are you closing in for the night?", one of my men asked.

I keep my back to them, are they incapable of common sense?

"No, I'm going for a quick stroll around the garden to pick out some flowers for your arranged funeral. What the fuck does it look like?"

Done is what I am with my staff, completely done. Not only are my maids going to go through hell, but my men will witness it also.

I walk towards the elevator, raging and fuming. Slowly clicking the button, I waited patiently, hands in my pockets. I tried to gain my composure but found myself failing every time.

The ding of the elevator brings me out of my thoughts, but there was something else that caught my attention. A small cry was heard from within the doors, and I looked up instantly.

Another fucking problem to solve, great.

The doors open to reveal a young girl slowly weeping her pain away.

"I'm sorry Camilla... I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry", Camilla?

My eyes widened by the soft voice, Esmeralda?

What the hell was she doing in the elevator? And alone?

I couldn't just leave her there, all useless.

Slowly walking up to her, I hesitated for a moment, should I help her? Let alone touch her?

Clearing my thoughts, I walked up to her fragile frame and picked her up in my arms, surprised to see that she kept her eyes closed as a single tear streamed down her left cheek.

Why was she crying? Better yet, where the fuck are my staff and why aren't they tending to her wound immediately, she must have lost a lot of blood and I can't afford another dead slave.

Even if I could, Esmeralda would be my last pick.

I clicked the button in the elevator as we ascended to the slaves floor. Who was it that I sent to care for her? It's been a long day I can hardly remember who I had assigned her to nearly 45 minutes ago...

A sudden impulse hit me as my veins bulged out of my neck, my blood boiled and pumped within as anger engulfed my body. I could feel my temperature rise and a hint of a migraine was starting to settle as the blood rushed to my head, I felt as though I could faint but stood my ground.

I needed to bring my anger out on someone, and that someone was my right hand who had failed me... Vikram.

The elevator came to a halt as the doors opened up, and the sight before me set me off for good. A slave lyed dead in a pool of her own blood as Vikram's back was to me, calmly ordering another one of my staff members around.

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