Ch. Eight

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As we proceeded down the hallways, turning left and right, my mind still wandered off to Master, Aviran, and the grand amount of sympathy Vikram seemed to have towards me.

Or was it sympathy? I don't even know anymore. All I know is who I belong to, and there was absolutely no doubt about it.

A thought occurred to me also, I wasn't blindfolded... Maybe he forgot? I examined Vikram from the back, only to find part of the blindfold carelessly sweeping back and forth from his back pocket.

He honestly couldn't have forgotten... could he? Should I remind him?

I held onto all the courage and bravery left inside of me and reached forward, grasping the blindfold from his back pocket and started tying it behind my head.

Why was I doing this? Maybe I'm just accustomed to it already, or maybe it just helps me cancel out anything and everything. Suddenly I ran into what seemed like a stone hard wall...

I felt two large hands grasp each side of my biceps, but careful of my wounded arm.

"What are you doing?!" It was Vikram. His piercingly loud voice made me thank the heavens I was blindfolded as I jumped in surprise due to his startling tone.

"I-I-I just decided t-to...-"

"To put on the blindfold? Over your already wounded face?", and with that he carefully untied the knot as the blindfold fell to the floor.

I reached down to pick it up, seeing as though he might have let go on accident.

"No, leave it there.", Vikram grabbed my chin and our gazes met until I slowly looked down and away.

"Look at me Esmeralda." He said my name and with that I responded by simply looking at him.

"I've worked for him over 15 years now... I'm capable of ordering slaves around and knowing what's best for them and what's not. There are also reasons behind my actions, and these decisions are not to be questioned. Do not second guess what I do here, and do not ever reach for anything on your own.", he continued to look reassuringly at me.

"Had it not been myself, you'd be lying down on the ground, dead, in a pool of your own blood by now. Be careful of what you do here Esmerald, you have absolutely no freedom", he slowly brought his lips close to mine, but not close enough to touch.

"Be careful love.", and with that he continued on. The red blindfold on the ground and the massive yet lean attractive man heading forward towards an elevator.

I continued on, and stepped inside the elevator, slowly bringing my body up and close towards the back wall but making sure I was still standing up straight with my head down.

Vikram had positioned himself in front of the buttons of the elevator, leaning his right hand against the frame as he pressed a button with his left which was now on this bridge of his nose while he closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

I gazed passively at his body. Some of his tucked white dress shirt that was already rolled up to his toned arms had risen up just above his belt, showing a hint of his built v-line. I looked up to his face once again, he seemed to still be in thought.

Just as I was about to rip my gaze away, my eyes found a strange red button isolated left of the rest of the neatly arranged ones on the frame, with the initials "AA". The color was that of blood, and I couldn't look away.

The ding of the elevator was heard as we reached the designated floor. But before the doors opened, a wailing scream was heard through the other side of the double doors.

I looked at Vikram who had already stood up straight and kept his eyes locked steadily towards the doors.

He quickly positioned himself in front of me and the doors opened to a young girl. Not just any young girl, but one of the ones who had been brought here with me, as well as Camilla.

The young brunette looked towards Vikram, eyes red and full of fear.

"You!", she screamed before she ran towards us at full speed, probably trying to escape.

But before she could even advance towards us, Vikram was gracefully walking towards her down the hall and I closed my eyes.

A snap was all I heard before I decided to open my eyes once again.

There stood Vikram, completely emotionless of what he had done, and there laid the young girl.. dead.

"What a complete fool", he stated disgustingly, looking down on her. His gaze found mine again, as I stepped back into the wall of the elevator, wanting to keep my distance from yet another monster.

My eyes were widened in horror of what he had done, as his eyes slowly filled with anger and concern.

The elevator doors slowly started to close, and all that was left of the scene was Vikram running towards me, just as the girl had done before her soul had evaporated, but it was too late, and he was too slow. The doors closed and for once in a very long time...

I was alone.

I slowly knelt down and buried my head into my knees and started to cry, I started to cry for the young girl's death, I started to cry for my stupidity in believing Vikram even cared, I started to cry for my possession here, and finally I started to cry.. for myself, and for Camilla.

For the promise I had broken and for the life I owed to her.

I could feel the elevator starting to move as I wept my life away, wanting this nightmare to be over. Wanting my life back. I hadn't fully noticed that the movement had came to a halt and that the doors slowly opened.

"I'm sorry Camilla... I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry", I whispered to myself as I cried. My body at this point had became completely numb, I couldn't move. I can choose to run away seeing as though I was free but my body had other ideas. It was broken.. Wounded.

I was broken.

Suddenly two large arms carried my body bridal style, bringing my face close to their chest. The aroma was addictive and smelled of oak, the fabric of his shirt was soft yet cold, and his hands held me securely and tight yet tenderly and carefully.

Almost as if afraid of either breaking me but also afraid of letting me go as I wept quietly now. I heard a sudden click of a button and felt movement as we ascended upward.

As the elevator doors opened he proceeded forwards, I tried to open my eyes to see who has tending to my numb body but I just couldn't.

I was in physical pain at this point due to not tending to the bleeding from my arm quickly enough.

"Vikram!", was all I heard enough to recognize that voice.

Enough to know who has carrying me...


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