Ch. Eleven

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Surprise, Surprise

I remained in my room as the silence took over, there was no longer any noise coming from outside my door. The halls were completely vacant of the man's screams.

Who was he? He was gorgeous. Why does Master hire such attractive men?

Maybe because it makes us slaves vulnerable.

But Vikram, what exactly happened to him? This is all so stressful, last I saw him he brutally killed a slave with absolutely no sign of sympathy.

But that doesn't explain why he treated me differently. A thought crossed my mind but I quickly blocked it away. Any man could never like a dirty slave, especially not one like myself.

I sat upright in my bed, still contemplating over the situations that took place in only the one day I'd been here.

Feeling disgusted with myself I made my way to the bathroom and quickly undressed. That man that came to get me earlier said I should get cleaned up, correct? So I'll take full advantage.

Stepping into the shower, I winced as the water trickled down onto my wound. Slowly closing my eyes I washed away all the pain and stress within and relaxed a little.... only a little.

As I quickly bathed myself and made my way out of the shower, I realized that I had forgotten to grab a towel in the drawers towards my bedroom.


I shivered as goose bumps started to rise from my skin. Slowly making my way out of the bathroom, I couldn't help but notice my reflection... What I saw amazed me.

The dark circles that had formed from underneath my eyes had vanished, and all that was present were my large crystal blue eyes.

My skin tone was no longer covered in blotches of dirt but rather glowed in the presence of the light within the bathroom. My hair was no longer a dark dirty blonde, in fact it shined and remained soft and sleek. I looked.........

Pretty decent.

A cough interrupted my thoughts as I abruptly turned to face the noise.

There stood Master, as tall and as dark as he can be, his arms were crossed and rested on his chest and legs spread apart slightly, the look of total dominance.

His eyes were dark, as usual, but the expression displayed had shown the lack of sleep, if he ever even sleeps. A thought had occurred to me.. he's clothed.... and I'm...

I gasped as I covered my private areas as best as I could and looked down submissively. How did I not hear him?

I was on the urge of apologizing when his deep voice beat me to it.

"Drop your hands."

My eyes widened slightly but I refused to look up. He wants me exposed?

"Master with all due respect I-"

"Drop. Your. Hands."

I did as I was told in fear of punishment. I slowly dropped my hands and stood before him, completely bare.

After what seemed like forever I could hear footsteps near, but I still kept my head down.

"Look at me slave."

I brought my head up slowly as I scanned his toned and muscular body. I slowly brought my eyes to his and gazed into them, once again, mesmerized.

He looked down at my body, his face expressionless except his eyebrows that were furrowed. Almost as if he were concentrating however it all slowly changed as he brought his eyes back up to meet mine. With an expression of... disgust? I started to slightly worry.

"Pathetic.", he whispered to himself, almost as if looking at me brought him pain. My heartbeat quickened.

"I can see why those men raped you, and also why nobody wanted to buy you... It hurts too much to even fucking look at you. It just brings pure disgust." , and those words were all he needed to say to bring a tear to my eye.

"Get dressed. And get to it quickly, I don't need you to waste my time. We have somewhere to be."

And with that he left the bathroom and shut the door abruptly, not long before returning and throwing my clothes at me, without a towel.

I quickly got dressed and exited the bathroom, feeling nauseous and dizzy at the same time.

Why did he have to treat me like scum today? I could have sworn we were on mutual ground after what happened last night.

"Are you going to follow me, or are you going to stand in one fucking place?"

I looked up in shock.

He simply smiled at me, exposing his perfect white teeth.

God, he took a liking to all this scenery. It's nothing but a game to him.

"I have a bit of a surprise for you. I went through a great amount of pleasure getting you this surprise and I know for a fact you'll love it. Maybe just as much as I do. Follow me."

And with that he exited the room as I slowly bowed my head and followed.

A surprise? This made my stomach turn.

After what seems like almost an eternity of following this human devil around, we ascend a dark door, and within were dark stairs leading up to a stage.

What was going on?

I slowly stopped, the clicking heels faded as I stood still, my body corrupted with fear. I bowed my head once again.

"Do you not like surprises?", I could hear his sarcastic sympathy taking over his voice. Monster.

I slowly shook my head, closing my eyes, and hoping to escape this nightmare. He brought his face closely towards my ear.

"Don't worry, you'll love this one. I promise.", he whispered.

And with that he pushed me forward and I slowly ascended up the steps, cautious of not falling over due to my dizziness.

As I reached the top of the stage, I began to panic. Everything was quiet. And dark.

I heard shuffling and could see the dark red curtains being pulled back. I kept moving forward and heard quick footsteps behind me.

"Close your eyes.", he whispered and I could almost hear the smirk displayed on his face.

I do as I'm told and close my eyes. A loud bang is heard, possibly the light being turned on, I jump and flinch at what might lie ahead.

"Keep them closed.", I heard Master say.

What could he even surprise me with?

"You can open your eyes now.", he stated in a menacing tone. It sounded full of revenge?

I took a deep breath slowly, and opened my eyes.

I gasped once again in horror.


There, lying in his own blood....

was Vikram.

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