Ch. Twenty Two

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Master's pov

"Who invited her?", oh dear God please. This woman really needs to get a fucking grip.

I've just about had it with her attitude and pleading personality. Not only had we arrived about an hour and a half early, but her soft and whiny voice was driving me insane.

I'm surprised we haven't already feasted on her dead corpse already as a substitute.

As a result of being incredibly stressed due to the impeccably distasteful woman next to me, I reached for the wine and started drinking.

Who invited her? I fucking did Anastasia, and by the way she had presented herself I'm fucking glad I did too. She looked marvelous.

The only problem? She acts as Vladimir's mere pet, but that will soon change.

"You know I happen to have a name Anastasia.You'd do well to remember it", before I thought twice of it I could all but feel the wine scrape my throat and start to cough uncontrollably.

I had instantly regretted it the moment Anastasia put her filthy paws on my back, rubbing on me.

"I'm sorry, had I startled you sir?"

I looked up almost immediately at Esmeralda.

Sir? Did she just call me sir?

She stared emotionless at me. She knew damn well what she was doing, and I couldn't help but think back on Vladimir.

He's changing her.

And I won't fucking let him.

Interrupting my thoughts, Anastasia's nasally voice broke the silence.

I swear if I have to spend another night with this incompetent slut, I will have my hands covered in her blood, and it will give me far more pleasure than she ever gave me all those nights we spent together.

"Aviran, are you alright? Aviran look at me are you alright darling?", anger rose in my blood at her pleading and whiny tone. Darling?

"I'm fine Anastasia! Don't act as though you've formulated sympathy, I don't need your fucking pity In fact, go get something to clean the mess up", I waited carefully as her body rose and she walked out silently.

What is it with this family that makes them incredibly unbearable?

"Well I must say, my sister is one stupid girl... Obeying your commands as if she were a worthless slave. Sad isn't it?" Ironically enough, my slave happened to be sitting right beside him.

He chuckled lowly. "It's a good thing her and I are nothing alike."

Ignoring the bastard, I kept my gaze on Esmeralda. How could she be so fucking stupid as to fall for Vladimir's traps?

He's condemning her to become cocky and confident, two things that can kill you easily in this business if you are not careful.

She wasn't even experienced, she knows nothing.. she could very much die on me.

I was suddenly angered at the thought of her death, all because she decided to fucking trust this demon, the demon that will very much take her back to hell, and she hadn't noticed yet.. she played it as if it were a game.

"Do you think this is a joke, Esmeralda? You seriously think you're capable of b-", suddenly there was a knock on the door, interrupting my questioning.

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