Ch. Twenty

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Some Things Never Change

I gazed up at Vladimir, his eyes focused and restrained on my body as I set myself up for a long run. He hasn't managed to tear his gaze away, even when I'm clearly staring at him, confusion written across my face.

Why is he staring at me as if I'm fresh meat?

I can't help but think back on his offer, he was willing to help me with my confidence for the ball and everything overall, regardless if I was a slave to my Master or not.

The thought itself made me shiver uncontrollably, what were his intentions exactly? But to be fairly honest, in one way or another and call me crazy, but I actually trusted him.

I kept staring at him, my expression still the same as the questioning in my head never seems to stop. Finally, his eyes land on mine and he smirks. I return one as well, his witty personality is obviously rubbing off on me.

Turning my attention towards the treadmill, I set a slow pace and start a light jog. My mind is wandering off to many things.

Am I really capable of changing? Control has never been a problem to me, until I started living here. Master has practically drained my body of any rights completely, exposing just a shy and timid young girl, clearly visible to all who overpower me.

But that will soon change, I can't be pushed around any longer and to be honest, I'm quite curious as to what business they actually run here. Suddenly a raspy and deep voice interrupts my thoughts.

"I'm quite impressed with the way you carried yourself in front of Lucas. The poor kid was amazed as well, he evidently didn't see it coming and he wasn't the only one. Impress me with your training, and you'll impress your Master with your essence of knowledge on elegance and control.", he continued.

"A sense of empowerment is key here, let that be known and wear it as if it were your own skin. It's practically justified as a law, carry it with you from now on.", he spoke. I felt as though I should be taking notes, this is all so overwhelming.

I kept my gaze forward, simply nodding at his response. I was actually quite surprised with his tone of voice, he sounded intellect; like a man who's experienced it all.

"Yes sir.", I replied, clearly out of breath. It's been awhile since I've worked out.

"Please Esmeralda, call me Vladimir. Your Master might have set regulations here but my rules are completely different. With me, as long as we hold a professional boundary and carry each other with respect then I have absolutely no issue.", he stated calmly.

I liked his understanding, it was comforting. That's something I haven't felt in awhile; comfort.

We kept running for a while, my legs became numb from all the running. It's been about a good half an hour or so. I turned to glance at Vladimir and I was in shock, he's practically sprinting and he hadn't looked tired or exhausted at all.

I look back down at my pace and frown, I am just ridiculous. I press the button that increased the speed as I do the same, now running as my heartbeat quickens and I attempt to control my breathing.

I keep at this pace and practically feel as though I'm about to faint, feeling lightheaded.

Don't faint. Don't faint. Don't faint.

I hear a click of a button next to me and see that Vladimir is now slowing down, I do the same and silently thank the heavens that I made it out alive.

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