Ch. Eighteen

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Permanent Damage

He seemed to be lost in thought until the unthinkable happened..

He slowly leaned in and his lips met mine.

At first the shock overtook my body as I slightly jumped at his further action, but my body slowly eased once I closed my eyes and accepted his kiss.

His lips were warm against mine, the fine and soft skin slowly molding into mine as he caressed the top of my hand with his thumb, gripping my hand slightly tighter while we enjoyed this moment. It was nothing in comparison to Vladimir's lustful and demanding kiss, or any other one I have encountered.

This one was somewhat passionate, and consuming. As if he had been craving my lips for eternity, as if my taste was the remedy to all of his problems. We kept at a slow pace, his lips firm and wet against my own as if he were trying to send a message.

Suddenly he brought his other hand to grasp the side of my face, searching and observing my jaw, my cheeks, gripping my hair, then down to my neck as he pressed his fingers there as if making sure I was real and all there.

I could hear him sigh and moan into this kiss and deepen it as he used his tongue to explore the inside of my mouth, myself accepting it all.

Suddenly it all came to a stop and the warmth of him was gone.

After a while I opened my eyes to find Master gone, the door to his office was open but as I went in to search for him the room was vacant. Had I done something wrong?

My head was beginning to hurt as my eyelids became incredibly heavy, my knees weakened, unbuckling and I found myself leaning against his desk, my body was giving out on me.

What was happening to me? I grasped the chair and brought myself up to it to sit down, hugging my knees as the room grew cold.

I breathed in and out a few times as I let my eyelids drop, and the sleep consumed me completely.

Throughout the night I shivered immensely at the cold, trembling and whimpering but kept my eyes closed at all times. I tried to move my body in order to heat it up but it was frozen and stiff, allowing me to do absolutely nothing but breathe continuously.

I clenched my eyes shut and continued to think about the kiss. I had never experienced one like that before, it was as if his lips were meant to be on mine. It was as if he wasn't my Master but in fact some stranger that took all of my unsettledness and depression away.

Suddenly, I felt big warm hands envelop themselves around my body, bringing me up to his bare chest and carrying me bridal style. I flinched under the unexpected contact and whimpered slightly, not knowing who it was terrified me.

"Shh darling it's fine, everything's going to be fine."

It was Master.

His voice was soft and full of concern yet his domineering tone was present but it didn't seem to surprise me.

He was always self contained and dominant, I'd be scared if he hadn't used his natural tone of voice, and as sad as it was to admit it, I felt completely taken care of and protected in his arms. As if the words he had spoken were true and honest.

I simply nodded in response and lay my head against his bulky shoulder, as he took long and smooth strides towards what seemed like the room we were in before. He lay my body on a soft and silk-sheeted cover as he covered my body with a furry blanket.

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