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"Now that you know of my official and blunt calling, I must add in one little detail before you go.", his gruff and hard voiced echoed through the entire room, bringing chills to my entire body.

I had never noticed how charming and hypnotizing his voice was. He must be the perfect range of not too young and not too old. Whenever he had brought himself up to me not too long ago, his body was colossal and towering.

I can see why he tends to intimidate anyone near him, he isn't exactly a normal man you'd find in the office of an imperative business or on the busy streets of an expensive and grotesque city.

Besides the situation I've been brought up against, he seemed like quite the attractive man.

"I hold absolutely no substantial interest in your pathetic and insignificant lives and well-being. With that being said, I could honestly care less if you die being my slave or not. Life holds no supremacy in my life so the mere thought of it isn't number one on my list."

"I hold no sympathy for anyone of you, it is none other than your fault for bringing yourself to the situation we are in now. Well, it's not a bad situation for myself in fact, I'm thoroughly overjoyed by the turn of events gathered here today.", I can all but hear the smile forming on his lips.

"Oh, and that reminds me.. I will need a volunteer.", he spoke in the deepest and most alluring tone possible. And just as he spoke, as if on queue, the figure beside me to my right stepped forward. I could only see the dark shadow bringing itself forward through my peripheral vision.

"Oh how brave of you. Come up here and stand by me, precious." The figure disappeared -out of my rear vision and it ascended forward towards the dark and psychotic man.

"And what is your name?", he asked, faking his concern for the girl. We all knew the significance of her name was not important. If anything, he'll simply forget by tomorrow.

In the softest voice possible, the young girl spoke, "Camilla...". No, I thought. At the moment, all of my fears that lured throughout my body were brought to the present time of Camilla's well-being. Why did she have to be so brave and volunteer? Why Camilla, why?

"No!", I yelled in a small whisper, as if trying to persuade my mind that this wasn't happening. All of the presented events rushed to my head and I couldn't help but bring my head up.

And just as the realization occurred of what I had just done, I already knew it was too late.

Why, may you ask? Because I was looking straight into the dark and emotionless eyes of the monster in front of me. I was in complete shock of my actions, and it was evident that I wasn't the only one impressed as well, my Master seemed to be enjoying this.

Master suddenly stopped in the midst of his words and brought himself up and out of the shadows-

...and that's when I knew I was in trouble.

Not for the actions I just committed moments ago, but because for the first time in all of my life, had I ever been so physically attracted to such beauty. His jawline, cheekbones, face, eyes, everything.. as if it had been sculpted to pure perfection.

Not a single flaw was visible towards his towering and massive body. He was the definition of handsome. His muscles hugged the crisp suit he managed to put together for a formal meeting. His hair was gelled to an angle and just marvelous. And his small and defined lips could just be the answer to all of my problems right now.

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