Ch. Twenty One

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I Gave In

Master's pov

I exited the room, feeling gracious of what I'd then accomplished. This young adolescent honestly thought I acted through terms of emotion? Wow, she really did have it coming.

A man as myself doesn't go through the irrational ideas of "love". Look where it has brought me, besides the riches, I don't trust anyone and there is a goddamn good reason behind my actions.

I stood outside the door for a while, listening to my slave weep and cry. I can hear her choking through her tears.

Why had I truly kissed her? I have always been a man of control, I never let anyone see how truly broken I've been in the past. It's a sign of weakness, but this girl had seen it all... and I've fucking allowed it.

I've allowed her to corrupt my thoughts, I've allowed her to touch me in ways I had never been touched or held before, I've allowed her set her tender and soft lips on mine, but there was one thing I would never allow anyone to do for as long as I stand and breathe... I will never let her into my heart, or at least what's left of it.

I continued standing outside of Vladimir's door until I couldn't take it anymore, I turned and started walking until I heard the ding of the elevator.

Speaking of the fucking devil himself.

Vladimir stood inside, not paying attention as I stood outside and in front of his doors, my arms crossed across my chest and my rage returning slowly.

He seemed to be engaged in a conversation with Lucas, which I found rather odd but pushed it away as the anger surged through my very veins, my blood was boiling as a flashback of all the fucking things he did earlier rushed through my mind.

Suddenly, his eyes found mine, widening only slightly before his lips formed into a smirk.

The fucking bastard has the audacity to smirk as if it were all a game. Well then, two can play at this Vladimir.

"Aviran! Wow, long time no see? I mean, the last I recalled seeing you.. you seemed as though you had nearly shit yourself. That must explain why you're here on this floor, did poor little Master have to use the potty in my room since he couldn't be a big boy and hold it in?"

That just about fucking did it.

I took long strides towards him as he continued to walk in my direction, the most stupidest decision yet. Before the bastard could even think, I got a hold of his throat and slammed him towards the wall, gripping his neck tightly until I could feel his very pulse through my palm.

His smirk still remained as he took hold of my hand, trying to cast it away but we both knew he was incapable. Who's the poor little boy now? The sight of him struggling made me smile as I could all but feel his pulse slow down.

"Oh, I recall the little scene you played earlier today. Just as I recall you placing your arms on my fucking slave, on my fucking property.", I spit out in his face as he flinched at my remarks.

"Do you honestly think you're clever Vladimir? Do you honestly think you are capable of breaking me? Take note on what I did, even as a mere boy I managed to brutally kill your father. Just image what I can simply do to you as a man now.", the thought itself made me grin widely.

"Keep away from Esmeralda, or else I will not hesitate to completely rip your head from the rest of your body and leaving your dead and rotten corpse outside so the birds can feast at your weak soul." I continued eyeing him down, wondering if he still had any fight in him.

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