Ch. Four

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A False Image

Master's pov

I couldn't help but feel incredibly jubilant and proud for my actions that once took place in this blood spilt room. Yes, I did lose a slave that could have become useful during some point of her insignificant life but I guess three pathetic ones will have to be enough.

But what has really occupied my mind was the fact that my best employer happened to bring home a disgusting and dirty slave as that pathetic blonde. It pained my eyes just to look at her.. Did he even buy her at the auction? Or did he manage to pick her up from the streets on the way there? And with my money?

I can't have guests at my house with a nasty looking adolescent as herself. If she plans to live in my house --which she has absolutely no control of due to the fact that I highly enjoy bringing her pain and watching her suffer-- then she needs to clean herself up.

"Vikram!", I yelled out to him moments after, hoping he hadn't already left, luckily he hadn't.

"Yes sir?"

"See to it that our, my slave cleans up after herself. Have one of the more experienced staff dress and bathe her and get my nurse called in to cover up those scars on her body. We need to get her to look somewhat of an average human being.", I stated.

"Yes sir, will do."

"And get it done quickly. You've already failed once in bringing her under my roof and into my home. Speaking of which, how much was she? Was she free of cost?"

"The moment I had gotten there they went through a selection of females under the sale category and she happened to be one of them. Ranging in $800,000.", Vikram spoke.

"Next time, choose more wisely, so I don't have to waste my staff and nurses time playing dress up and clean up after an experiment gone to waste."

"Yes sir. It will not happen again sir."

"Good.", I stated gruffly, dismissing him before I contemplated ending his life as well. And to think he was my favorite. You can never confide in anyone but yourself.

Main pov (Esmeralda)

Vikram, or so Master had called him, had commanded me to stay in the exact same spot as before. I was standing here for a while, wondering why my Master had called him back into the room. Possibly to confiscate me once and for all. I am of no use here.

A slave? For what? I don't know how to cook, clean, wash dishes or clothes... nothing. I was from a wealthy family in which none of that was needed due to maids.

Now I understand their pain, They might not have been abused physically but mentally, yes.

I was still blindfolded which made it hard to run away or simply stay in the same area. I could hear heavy breathing and instantly assumed there were guards throughout the house, or at least in front of my Master's room.

What was his actual name anyway? Just as I had finished my thought, I could hear the door shut behind me, and I knew Vikram was back.

"Just what I fucking needed. That will definitely earn myself a demotion, and there goes my fucking raise", He mumbled quietly to himself as he came towards me.

I don't think he knew I was listening, but listening happened to be the only thing this blindfold was giving me the capability to do.

"All because of you.", he whispered harshly into my ear, causing chills to erupt throughout my body.

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