First Day

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A/N: This my scecond story on wattpad.😄 I'm always looking to improve my work. The more I read the better my writing as gotten. I hope you all enjoy this story please vote and comment If you have enjoyed it. Constructive crirism is always welcomed, I would love to hear what you all think I should improve on for future reference. Thank you lovelies enjoy
-S 😁

Keisha Fury was a rising star at school getting straight A's and eager to help others. Nick adopted her when she was just a toddler her mother was Asgardian and her father was from Midgard. Her parents were both killed by the Kree when they first came to earth. Ever since Nick has been her father he raised her under a secret identity to keep her safe from harm. After months of being a vigilante, Nick decided he needed to sculpt her thirst for justice into something that would be legal. So after months of deliberating, he decided to pull her out of her school and let her join The Avengers Academy.

"Dad, where are we going?"

"You'll see my love"

They parked up in front of The Academy entrance Keisha's eyes lit up with excited, a huge grin formed on her face. Nick took Keisha into the building showing her around the campus. In the kitchen, for the first set of dorm rooms, The Avengers sat there eating their breakfast.

"Omg Bruce your fricken crazy I swear" shrieked Wanda.

"But if we were to create this. We would be able to defeat the Chitari once and for all it's a matter of..."

"Quantum energy vs the aptitude of the item at play" Everyone looked up at Keisha and Fury standing int the doorway; Natasha and Bruce's eyes lit up at her answer.

"Yes, exactly" replied Bruce,

"Everyone, I have a new recruit to introduce you to. This is my daughter." Natasha, Clint and Sam ended up spraying their coffee out of their mouths in sheer shock.

"Say what now " shouted Tony.

"I had to keep her under the radar for her own safety But she's getting herself into trouble with her vigilante acts. So, what better place to keep an eye on her but here. I'm sure you take good care of her. As you don't know want to know what will happen if you don't" Fury kissed Keisha's forehead and let the room.

"Whoa, you need to tell us everything!" urged Tony.

"Geez stop being so rude Tony you haven't even introduced yourself," said Sam.

"My name is Natasha but you can call me Nat" She smiled and extended her hand to shake Keisha's. The rest of The Avengers introduced themselves, they made Keisha a coffee and some eggs. They all sat down and talked with her for most of the morning until first class.

" Well, my dad adopted me when I was 3. I'm a demigod on my mother's side so it was hard trying to fit in at school. My dad used to have to fetch me from police station most of the week for stopping robbers and pickpockets. I was helpful to the police I should have got a medal of valour, not being shot at or thrown in jail."

"That sound jokes" laughed Tony. Bucky looked at Steve he could see that something was up with him. It was only when he noticed Keisha laughing with some of the team he knew what it was.

"You should go and talk to her"smiled Bucky.

"I have spoken to her"

"You know what I mean bud. I see the way your looking at her"

"Fury would kill me plus aren't I a bit old old for her"

"You're technically only 25-year-old so it doesn't matter" 

Steve was too shy to approach Keisha afraid of what she would say or maybe more what Nick would say. After the first period, Steve finally plucked up enough courage to speak to Keisha. However, he lost his confidence when he saw the way she was looking at Sam. He backed away from the room and ran down the other side of the hall. He wasn't looking where he was going and ended up knocking over Natasha and Tony.

"Look where you going capsicle. What's up with you anyways. You look upset"

"It's nothing. I just forgot something that's all" Steve stuttered helping them both up he went to the library. 

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang